In Vitamin B12 Deficiency Treatment, getting the RIGHT vitamin b 12 dosage is the key. Unfortunately, doctors will most often give a 'standard' dose of vitamin B12 that effectively corrects the low Vitamin B12 BLOOD LEVEL, but is often not the optimal vitamin b 12 dosage to make individual people FEEL as well as they could be.
Vitamin B12 Deficiency Treatment should focus on giving the person a "maximum feeling of well being" -which often will require much higher doses of vitamin B12 than is needed to correct their "on paper" deficiency.
The standard vitamin b 12 dosage is approximately 1000 mcg. If the doctor is not educated on the current science of Vitamin B12 and tells you that you have B12 Malabsorption, then he will often prescribe Vitamin B12 shots. But before you get vitamin B12 injections, you should be aware of the Vitamin B12 Shot Problems - including the fact that it is simply unnecessary.
If your doctor is more educated in vitamin B12 therapy, then he will know that Sublingual B12 Vitamins work just as well as Vitamin B12 Shots, are less painful, far less expensive and you will not have to experience any of the Vitamin B12 Shot Side Effects that could occur.
While this is good, it is YOUR job to make sure that you get the right KIND of Sublingual B12 vitamins- as there are many types. The cheapest and most readily available is in a form called Cyanocobalamin. But you DO NOT WANT cyanocobalamin. It is a far inferior to Methylcobalamin B12, for many reasons, and, if you happen to have the MTHFR Gene, using cyanocobalamin could be devastating.
Getting the right KIND of vitamin B12 is just the first step. As I said earlier, it's likely that your doctor will recommend a vitamin b 12 dosage of 1000 micrograms (mcg) per day. While studies have shown that this dose is effective to bring up vitamin B12 BLOOD LEVELS, the Facts about Vitamin B12 show that that this is often not a high enough vitamin b 12 dosage to make people feel as well as they could- andTHAT is what is important to YOU.
One study entitled Vitamin B-12: Placebo or Neglected Therapeutic Tool had people who felt fatigued, but had NORMAL vitamin B12 blood levels and kept giving higher doses of supplements until they had a 'maximum feeling of well being'. And the AVERAGE dose that it took to do this was 9000 micrograms per day, that is 9 milligrams. And that was the AVERAGE dose, this means that some people needed even higher doses than this to feel well. And these were people without a diagnosed vitamin B12 deficiency!
So, if you truly have Vitamin B12 deficiency, then you may need even more than these study participants!
In the above study that averaged 9 milligrams per day, there were no adverse effects or side effects. Vitamin B12 is an EXTREMELY safe vitamin to take. Some studies even had people with neurologic damage, such as multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's Disease, taking up to 40 milligrams per day without any ill effects of this vitamin!
While it's unlikely that you will need a vitamin b 12 dosage THIS high for vitamin B12 deficiency treatment, you certainly might need a dose higher than the 'standard' dose of 1000 micrograms.
Depending upon how fatigued you are feeling, you have several choices that you can make.
First: You can take the 'standard' dose of 1000 micrograms per day and see how you feel, then increase it over a period of several weeks until you are feeling better.
OR: if you are feeling very fatigued and have had long term problems and just want to start feeling better, then you might want to consider starting out at a HIGH dose of around 10 milligrams per day so you start feeling better right away. This strategy acts more like getting a B12 shot and people often feel better within a few days to a week.
Since the dosages usually come in smaller dosages of 1000 to 2000 micrograms per tablet, simply start off with one tablet and see how you feel. A few hours later, take another tablet. A few hours later another, etc.
Some people can feel a bit 'hyper' on this dosage or are not able to sleep. If this happens, simply stop taking it for a few days and start out again at a lower dose. This is not cause for alarm, but rather a clue that you might really benefit from vitamin B12.
Even if you need a very high dosage for vitamin B12 deficiency treatment, for serious Vitamin B12 Malabsorption, you may not need to take this dose for long periods of time. The liver stores up to 3 years of vitamin B12, and if you are deficient then your liver stores were depleted as well. It may take some time to 'fill up your tank' with vitamin B12, but when you do- it's likely that you will be able to decrease your daily vitamin b 12 dosage and still feel good.
So for effective Vitamin B12 deficiency treatment, you not only need to make sure that you get the right KIND of Vitamin B12, but also be sure that you take the right vitamin b 12 dosage- and that dosage will be different for everyone. The current medical model of Vitamin B12 deficiency treatment using ONE standard dose for every person doesn't take into account the individual needs of the people that are suffering from deficiency. One vitamin B12 deficiency treatment that works for one person may not work for YOU- that does NOT mean that you are weird or sicker than other people, you just have different, individual Vitamin B12 Supplement needs that you need to be patient and find for yourself.
Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms
Vitamin B12 Resources
Click below to see already answered questions about Vitamin B12?
Pain on injection site after taking B12 shots
My mother was recently detected with oestoporosis as she has too much pain in her arms.. her dexa score was way below normal. Doc advised her to take 5 …
How Long Off Vitamin B12 Supplements Before Testing?
I searched the site and found that it is important to not be supplementing B12 before testing, but.... I have been on B12 supplements almost my entire …
1000 mcg/ml (cyanocobalamin) vs 1000 mcg vitamin B12 timed released caps
I was thought to have Chrohns disease and Dr put me on 1000mcg/ml shot 2/mth. I found there was a blood test for Crohns and mine turned out negative. …
Dosing once B12 Levels are high
I have all the textbook sigmotoms of B12 deficiency.
I have a question regarding dosing once B12 levels are high again. I started with 5000 methyl mcg …
Low B12 While Trying to Conceive
I recently have found that my b12 level is 129. my doctor said you have to take b12 shots. I am trying to concieve. Should i stop trying. Taking b12 shot …
B12 cyanocobalamin in Lipo Flavoinoid
I am currently taking daily vitamin from Pure One which contain B12 (Methylcobalamin. Because of some mutation on my test.
But since I have problem …
Can't Get Doctors to Believe that I Have Vitamin B12 Deficiency
It seems it has become the norm. for surgery doctors to disbelieve you have the symptoms of pernicious anaemia or B12 deficiency . In order to help myself …
B12 Shot Dosage
I'm curios when using B12 shot and very fast acting. Should I inject 3-4 times per wk to maintain a consistancy? Also how much should I take if I have …
Vitamin B-12 dosage
How do I know what dosage of B-12 I need? I am 75, in relatively good health, but obese with a big belly. My wife is 72, has sugar diabetes type 2 ( on …
Vitamin B12 Shots Every 3 Months
Hi my name is 43 years old. I have vitamin b12 deficiency and pre menopause.i have had 5 injections 1 a week. My next one is April 8th. every …
Dental Nitrous Oxide and Vitamin B12
hi i just had some teeth out .. laughing gas was used over 2 days long till my body starts reabsorbing vitian b12 ? my legs are tingling and …
methyl B12 dosage
Via a blood test, I discovered I had borderline low B12 (what led me to the the first place is a long story..but was having chronic low …
Do I need b12
I am 63 and diagnosed with hypothyroidism last year .My GP says my b12 is fine, but my fatigue is terrible. She says that is thyroid related but I disagree …
Methycobalamin 1000mcg
Dear Kerri!
There is a synthetic compound Methlycobalamin which is being prescibed here in India in high doses -- even up to 1500mcg and is supposed …
How much should i take of b12?
My b12 is low 126 its supposed to be over 200. How many mg do i need to take a day til i can get back to dr.
Thanks Melinda
Methylcobalamin & breastfeeding
I have been researching online and have found there is little information about safe levels of methylcobalamin while breastfeeding. Are you able to provide …
Vitamin B12 Levels High After Taking Vitamin B12
First I would like to give a quick view of the last 6 months. I was on Omeprazole for 2 years...yes 2 years for Chronic GERD! I went off the drug in Dec. …
Recommended Vitamin B12 Dosage and Brand
how much b12 would you recommend for someone with cerebellar ataxia? should I be taking a sublingual that includes b6 and folic acid or just b12 in a high …
What helps B12 deficiency other than injections. Can't take pill form.
I was told 10 yrs ago I had a B12 deficiency, my then doctor was wonderful, and I went for 1 shot a month for 1 year. I am once again severely B12 Deficient …
Can I Safely Increase My Vitamin B12 Dosage
I just started taking b 12 due to a defiency. I am now taking 1500 mcg for three weeks. Could I safely take 2 or three more? I am still exhausted! My dr …
Can quick-dissolve pills be crushed?
My questions is about quick-dissolving pills. My husband had tonsil cancer last year,and now takes all nutrition, liquids, and medications via a G-tube. …
Looking for dosage instructions for Vitamin B12 Deficiency
I have self diagnosed myself with a vitamin B12 deficiency as my family doctor seems rather uneducated in this particular area. I do have the 1298 MTHFR …
What is the Right B12 Blood Level
i am a 40 year old woman suffering from short term memory loss and honestly i cant remember things in the past either . while my friends can remember things …
Should the B12 injection work straight away?
I had 6 injections of B12 over 2 weeks as my level was 89. I felt much better however i started to feel ill agin 3 weeks before my next injection was due …
Diagnosed with Vitamin B12 Deficiency
I was just diagnosed with b12 deficiency. I have tingling in hand and feet. I've been dizzy and off balance. How much should I take and can I take oral …
my b12 levels were 2200, how do i know if i am defeicent?
I have muscle weakness fatigue, high cpk, cold intoletance, pains in my legs. I was tested for b 12 and came back as 2200. Not sure what test they used. …
reoccuring b-12 while taking 1000ml injections for pernicious anemia
Can you give me an answer to this question. Why my b-12 level keep dropping, even while I'm getting injections every month? Please give me an answer that …
Optimal Dose of Vitamin B12 for Vegetarians
What is the optimal dose of oral methylcobalamin to treat subclinical(asymptomatic) vitamin B12 deficiency occuring secondary to reduced dietary intake, …
How long to take B12 to Fill Up Liver?
I am 43 and was diagnosed with really low B12, Calcium and Vitamin D. I am taking the Methylcobalamine at 10 pills dissolved under tongue of 1000mcg each. …
Can I Still Have Low B12 Despite Injections
I have Crohn's disease and I had part of my bowel removed about 20 years ago. I was diagnosed as having low B12 a year ago and have an injection every …
is it ok to take methylcolamabin sublingual b12 5000 mg with shots
I have a very low vitamin b12, 88, was the number. I have symptoms of extreme fatigue, tingling and cold hands and feet, very weak arms and legs, tingling …
B12 increases mean increases in Folic Acid and this o.k?
So if I need to take increased doses of B-12, the B-12's I take usually also include Folic Acid and B-6...are there any negative side effects to taking …
Feel Better Taking B12, but B12 Level is Normal
First, thank you for your information, it is the most helpful I have found. I'm truly frustrated with my doctors right now, and need help, please.
High Folate Serum Blood Reading = B12 deficiency/functional B12 deficiency
My 18 year old son was admitted to Great Ormond Street Hospital in June this year following 18 years of ill health. Diagnosed with Chronic fatigue syndrome …
Large doses of 1 B-Vit cause deficiencies in other B-Vits
Rather than a question, this is a request. It would be helpful to let people know that, when taking large doses of any of the B Vitamins it's an excellent …
What is the Expected Rise in Vitamin B12 Levels after Getting Injections
My mother had b12 level of 199 dr said she was normal. But I read and found that she is low. She is having headaches,extreme fatigue,heart palpitations,mouth …
Am I Getting the Right Doses for Vitamin B12 Deficiency?
it all started with weakness in body and b12 level was 85pgm/ml.i started getting 500mcg injection alternate day..for sumtime it improved …
Low Methymalonic Acid
I keep reading about high MMA, but my MMA is low 75 (lab range 87-318). 2 years ago my B12 was 1,100 and 3 months ago it was 451. I take 2,400 mcg sublingual …
Getting the Urine Test to Find Out if I'm Vitamin B12 Deficienct
I was diagnosed with a Vitamin B12 Deficiency 6 years ago. I was getting monthly shots from the doctor of Cyanocobalamin. I started administering the shots …
more than one b12 at once safe or not?
Is it possible to be born with a b12 deficiency?
Can you take more than one type of b12 at one time safely, to help with separate problems?
AM or PM?
Does it matter if I take B12 in the morning or at night? How soon after I start taken B12 will I feel the change?
Fatigue and Vitamin B12
I have had fatigue, chronic pain, and illness since 2006. I spent 17 years in the military, but didn't have any issues until after I had had a series …
Do I Need to Get a Vitamin B12 Deficiency Diagnosis Before Taking Vitamin B12
Do I need a Urinary Methyl Malonic Acid test & blood serum homocysteine tests for accurate diagnosis or are my symptoms enough to determine if I have a …
Vitamin B12 for Malabsorption
I have had a malabsorption problem for the last 17 years. I was taking 1000 mcg. of vitamin B12 daily for a long time, after which my blood level of B12 …
Vitamin B12 and Cholesterol Medication
i take 80mg of pravastatin for colesterol can i take the vitamin b-12 with this medication?
Can Vit B12 remedy tingling and numbness in hands and fingers
I am 67 years old femaile.Can proper taking of Vit B12 remedy tingling and numbness in hands and fingers? What dosage of Vit B12 sublingual is recommended …
Vitamin B12 and Liver Problems
I read that too much B12 can have adverse effects on one's liver. I have multiple liver hemangiomas and am concerned about overdosing. I am taking 1000mcg …
Can I Take Methylcobalamin?
I am a 75 year old woman that had a series of Vitamin B12 shots many years ago and became allergic to them. I was suffering from hypothyroidism at the …
Proper Dosage of B12 Injections
I need B12 injections, but I disagree with the dosage of 1mg once a month!! No high-dose beginning & then leveled off? My PCP prescribed just 1mg per …
should I take b12 without a blood test
I have been chronically fatigued for over six years now with a constant "brain fog" for the past two.
My HGB is within normal limits but my vit D …
B12 Overdose Research
Hi Kerri,
I would like to mention that I have found your site extremely helpful.
I would like to bring your attention to this forum thread where …
Please Help With the Right Vitamin B12 Dosage
I found your site really informative. I was diagnosed with b-12 deficiency level in my blood. I had 127 count. My doctor thought it is a borderline case …
Possible B12 deficiency
I may possibly have a B12 deficiency because I have all the symptoms. I just did an MMA test and am waiting for the results. In the meantime, I was wondering …
B12 Helped My Wife With Multiple Sclerosis
Just wanted to say that your site is very informative and helpful. My wife was diagnosed with ms and we told the docs goodbye and since she has been taking …
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