Do I need b12

by susan nicholson
(uk )

I am 63 and diagnosed with hypothyroidism last year .My GP says my b12 is fine, but my fatigue is terrible. She says that is thyroid related but I disagree as I feel no better after a year on thyroid meds. What dosage should I take to see if I feel better? Also what brand do you recommend please? I am in the UK .My e mail is

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try it
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen

Hi Susanna,

Please read my pages on:

B12 Deficiency Treatment


Vitamin B12 Levels

There is no reason not to give a trial of B12 a try. Unfortunately, I have no recommendations for brands in Europe, just make sure that it is Methylcobalamin B12.

You may also want to read up on thyroid issues. Just taking thyroid medicine may not be enough to fix your thyroid issues. There are many different reasons for low thyroid that need slightly different medications that effect the thyroid in different ways. The prescription pharmaceuticals that most doctors prescribe are not always the right drug needed for everyone's thyroid issues. Please see Mary Shamon's site at Mary Shamon- Thyroid expert. She is pretty much the leading expert on thyroid issues.

You should also look into:

Gluten Intolerance


Vitamin D Deficiency

as these can all contribute to fatigue.

Kerri Knox.

synthroid vs. Armour
by: Eileen K.

Are you taking synthroid or the natural drug Armour. Synthroid only contains T3. Armour contains T3 and T4. Some people can not convert T3 to T4. I was one of them. I felt like shit on Synthroid. I take Armour for my hypothyroidism. If your Dr. won't prescribe it GET ANOTHER DR. You could also have gluten intolerance which I also have.

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