What is the Right B12 Blood Level

by NoName

i am a 40 year old woman suffering from short term memory loss and honestly i cant remember things in the past either . while my friends can remember things that we did together and places we ate at when we 15 .i also have other signs associated with b12 deficiency like tingly toes . my level is 453 which according to too the results 243 - 894 is normal . yet i have read that in china they consider under 500 for memory is low .

i cant even remember how t spell lots of things i should know how to . so what do say normal range for me should be.

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Blood Levels are Inaccurate
by: Kerri Knox, Registered Nurse

Please see my pages on:

Vitamin B12 Blood Levels

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Treatment

and just to rule out a few other problems, you should read and consider the following problems may be related as well:

Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency


Gluten Sensitivity

Kerri Knox, RN

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