Can Vit B12 remedy tingling and numbness in hands and fingers

by Normita de la Cruz
(LA, CA)

I am 67 years old femaile.Can proper taking of Vit B12 remedy tingling and numbness in hands and fingers? What dosage of Vit B12 sublingual is recommended for curing the tingling and numbness? For how long should the Vit B12 be taken? Thank you.

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Yes, if it's due to B12 deficiency
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Yes, Vitamin B12 CAN relieve numbness and tingling in the hands- IF the numbness and tingling is due to vitamin b12 deficiency. How do you find out if it's due to B12 deficiency? You take Vitamin B12 and see.

However, it's usually not that simple and there are usually several nutritional/dietary problems going on at the same time that lead to problems.Vitamin B12 alone is rarely the problem- and even if it DOES work, it should lead you to ask the question of what you've been doing wrong for so many years to be so deficient in vitamin B12 (or anything else that works) that you would be having nerve conduction problems because of it. That is not a normal situation to have and wondering WHY you have it will likely lead to more lasting resolution of that and OTHER health problems that you may have, than just wondering if B12 will make it go away.

You can read my pages on Causes of Peripheral Neuropathy and Vitamin B12 Deficiency Treatment for a start in your search.

Kerri Knox, RN

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