I often get asked, "Is H Pylori Contagious?" by those who are concerned that they may be able to transmit their H pylori to their family. My answer is that 'It Depends' and 'In most cases, it doesn't matter' is a bit confusing because it doesn't depend upon the H Pylori, it depends upon YOU. You see, the H pylori bacteria is endemic and there is almost no way to avoid being exposed to the bacteria. In fact about half the entire world's population has the H pylori bacteria and it IS contagious under the right circumstances, but the vast majority are not even sick! Unlike when you 'catch' the flu, 'catching' H pylori is virtually meaningless for most people.
The H Pylori Bacteria can be transmitted from person-to-person with close contact. Even minor family contact like a mother kissing her baby or sharing drinking glasses can transmit the bacteria. This means that if one person in the family gets an H pylori infection, then the rest of the family is certainly going to be exposes. However, many people are exposed to H pylori for years and don't become infected. Even if they do become infected, it's often meaningless and does not cause any problems. This is not the flu, it's just a bacteria, and many people live their whole lives exposed or infected without any problems whatsoever.
It's also a bit more complicated than just being exposed to H pylori. The conditions must be right for the person to actually get infected with H pylori. When people ask, "Is H pylori Contagious" it's only contagious when YOUR immune system is poor and you are susceptible to it. In fact, one study uses the term 'Failure of the Immune System' to describe those who get an H pylori infection. But again, in most cases, it's irrelevant. Additionally, it's literally impossible to prevent being exposed to H pylori. So, the question of Is H Pylori Contagious is just the wrong question in the first place.
Humans are exposed to literally trillions of bacteria- both ones that make you sick and ones that don't- yet we don't get sick from all of them. And even in the same office when a cold is 'going around', there are ALWAYS people who don't get the 'bug'. And this is the same with the H Pylori Bacteria; it's your Immune System Health that allows you to get the H pylori bacteria. This is why the bacteria is prevalent around the world, but it is MORE prevalent in poor inner city areas and third world countries where nutrition is poor and living conditions are worse.
Instead of asking "Is H Pylori Contagious", a better question to ask is "Under what circumstances does someone's Immune System allow them to get an H pylori infection". Another good question is "When and why does having an H pylori become a problem?" Because, again, most of the time, H pylori is not a problem.
H Pylori can also be transmitted through food, particularly under cooked eggs and meats. But there is no way of knowing whether your food has H pylori in it because, unlike other food borne bacteria, it doesn't affect the quality of the food. So, assessing your food for its smell or quality is not an effective strategy against keeping the bacteria out of your food. Again, H pylori is everywhere. It is impossible to consciously avoid it. Even if you were to completely avoid animal products, you can still be exposed to the H Pylori Bacteria through casual contact with other people, and probably even from the salad bar.
One of the problems with H Pylori is that, unlike colds and flu, people don't always show Symptoms of H Pylori, and in fact the majority of people with H pylori are 'silent carriers'. Even children who might seem to be healthy can be 'colonized' with H pylori and not know it. The biggest problem with this from YOUR perspective is that if you or someone in your family is undergoing Treatment for H pylori, known as Helicobacter Pylori Eradication, then these people who are silent carriers may simply give the bacteria back to the infected person again and again- making it appear that the treatment has been ineffective when the person is simply being reinfected.
For this reason, it is ideal that if one person in a family is getting H Pylori Treatment, IF they have serious symptoms, then the rest of the family be tested and treated even if they don't have any Symptoms of H Pylori.
Unfortunately, the one symptom that very often DOES indicate the presence of H pylori- heartburn- is not considered serious by doctors who will simply give a prescription antacid. This is despite the fact that there are many studies that advocate that symptoms of Stomach Burning SHOULD include testing for H pylori using an:
and treating the H pylori -if it is present- instead of simply putting someone on long-term antacid therapy. If doctors WERE to do this, it would reduce the incidence of H pylori carriers who are transmitting the bacteria to others- as well as treating the CAUSE of why people are experiencing the sensation of Too Much Stomach Acid –while preventing them from experiencing the damaging problems of nutrient deficiencies and osteoporosis that long term use of prescription antacid drugs can cause.
So, the answer to, Is H Pylori Contagious is a definite YES. However, keeping your Immune System Health strong and powerful is the most important component of preventing infection and reinfection after Treatment for H Pylori. Since it is impossible to avoid coming into contact with this bacteria that infects almost half the world's population, it's YOUR responsibility to improve your immune system to keep from infecting others and from becoming infected with the H pylori bacteria.
If you have H pylori and are experiencing symptoms, make sure you take a look at my book, The H Pylori Solution, and learn how to get rid of H pylori once and for all.
H pylori Resources
The H Pylori Solution- This instantly downloadable ebook is the only guide to H pylori that you'll ever need. Get rid of your H pylori the first time!
Test for H Pylori Right In Your Own Home- Easily test yourself or even your children with this painless test that gets sent to you in the mail.
Take the Hydrochloric Acid Deficiency Test- Find out if your heartburn is from 'Too Much Stomach Acid' or too LITTLE!!
Do you have a question about H Pylori? Ask your question here.
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Click below to see already answered questions about H Pylori?
Boyfriend tested negative in 2016 (stomach biopsy) for h pylori; I tested + this year. Should he be tested again?
I am undergoing triple antibiotic therapy due to gastric problems from h pylori. I understand that I may have had h pylori for years and am now showing …
When your H Pylori has bee cured by a two week eradication therapy can it come back even after its cured?
Hello, my name is Jennifer Stewart. I live in Halifax, Nova Scotia and just found out I have H Pylori in my stomach. It stated out with heart burn about …
Is it safe to be near a newborn if being treated for Hpylori?
My daughter is due to have her baby this week. I was just diagnosed (through Upper Endoscopy) with Hpylori and plan on starting the Prevpak (or generic …
Herbal cure for H Pylori
I recently tested (blood) positive for h pylori and I don't have health insurance. I decided to go to Mexico and see if I could get help from a doctor …
Subtle Symptoms Years Before Getting Very Sick?
I have been having gut issues for a few years attributing it to tweaking my hormones. I have had belching, bloating, nausea, intolerance to fatty foods, …
Can H Pylori Cause Sweating and Flushing
I am wondering if symptoms will also include the feeling of your face flushed, and a redness to the face and neck areas, and getting that cool but sweating …
I'm allergic to pen, flagyl, biaxin, Cipro & levaquin. How will I treat this?
I'm allergic to pen, flagyl, biaxin, Cipro & levaquin.
How will I treat this? I have severe symptoms. I also am dealing with Brucela Abortus.
Can I Give My Patients H Pylori
Hi I have been ill for quite some time suffering with digestive problems and pain under my ribcage. After some tests my results came back that i was anemiac …
I was exposed to h pylori and told drs and no one checked for 4 yrs!
I was exposed to H.pylori from an ex boyfriend and he actually lost half his stomach,we did not live together,but I stayed over a lot! I immediately asked …
Should all family members get tested for H Pylori?
I am 55 years old and have been feeling ill for about 2 years. I was just diagnosed with h pylori and am currently taking medicine. I am the caretaker …
What should I be concerned with since I have H Pylori
Email is creative4u2.nv@gmil.com.
My healthcare provider did not bother to mention that it is contagious. I discovered this through the internet. I understand …
Does My Husband Having H Pylori Mean He Cheated On Me?
If my partner of 12 years has h pylori ive just been tested negative for it, could the reason for him having it nean he could of cheated with an infected …
Possibilities of causing cancer
Is it possible for this bacteria to cause cancer and how would I know if it had caused it or not?
contagiou to 11 month child
Question is I was diagnois with h- pylori in June underwent anti bontics and negative for it in September but my granddaughter has diarrhea and cramps …
Should I take Ciprofloxacin without knowing if I have H.Pylori?
I have severe pain, bloating and belching for 2 weeks now. The doctor did a blood test and said it was all normal. However, I don't think she tested for …
Getting Helicobacter P. from another person
There is someone who will come and visit me for a few days next week. She is on Hel. Pilory erradication (3 antibiotics) treatment right now.
Her 14 …
Third Time Being Treated for H Pylori, What Do I Do Now?
treated first time with antibodics and it did not work. Second time treated with Pylera but pharmacy gave me wrong dose and now doc wants me to try it …
What's a Natural Cure for H Pylori
how to eradicate h pylory herbally? Is their such a way to do it? and are their studies done to prove it?
Is H Pylori Curable?
After I take all these meds,will I be cured, and feel better? Should I get retested after the meds are gone? Does my boyfriend need to get tested?
What Antibiotics Can I Use For H Pylori
Im alergic ti several antibiotics they put me on Biaxin and Flagyl with pepto bismol but im allergic to flagyl so only Biaxin. Will this kill it and should …
How does a germaphobe get H, Pylori?
I have never drank, smoked, done any illegal drugs, i don't take medication, have only kissed 2 people in my life( which was 9 years ago), and I'm still …
Hpylori infection
My name is Rania and I hot infected with this bacteria 4 months ago and took a 14 day antibiotics and didn't work, so I I went to my Naturopathic Doctor …
Could I have H. Pylori
Hi im a 22 year old male originally from eastern europe and moved to the states when i was 5, im 6ft tall and in shape. i normally workout 6 days a week …
Could I get reinfected with H Pylori after 8 months of eradication?
So, I did the triple therapy for the eradication on January 2012. But now I am suspecting of a reinfection because of some symptoms such as gastric pain …
What Are My Chances of Having H Pylori
My nephew was diagnosed with H. Pylori. He served in the military and went to Kawait, and since then he's been feeling stomach pain. I've been around …
Return of H pylori
I was diagnosed with H-pylori, and Rx antibiotics for the H-pylori, is there a chance that it comes back again after you take the antibiotic? Are there …
Can the Urease in H Pylori Lead to Gout
is the urease that is produced by h pylori a factor in promoting gout inflammation?
What are the consenquences if not treated for h pylori
My daughter lives with me and I have been diagnosed with h pylori, do I need to get her tested as well? I'm on Cipro 500 mg and pepto besmol tablets and …
H Pylori Contagious
Can you please tell me if H Pylori is contagious? my Aunt has it & my 21 year old nephew has been diagnosed with it.
Both my Mom & I are Diabetic & …
my boyfriend has h. pylori and doesn't want me to give it back to him
my boyfriend has been horribly sick for months, just got diagnosed with h. pylori and is about to start treatment. I... think I probably have it too, but …
if you're h. pylori positive can you spread if from a simple kiss where theres no saliva exchange?
I'm trying to find out if I can kiss my boyfriend without exchanging saliva? It's making out relationship go through a rough patch. What if no antibiotics …
Can I infect my 13 month grandson with H Pylori?
I am going to visit my 13 month old grandson in 1 and a half weeks for a 2 week stay. I will begin my treatment of antibiotics tomorrow. Is it possible …
Why Did I Get H pylori again?
I had H Pylori before and I got it again, why? my son is six years old and I afraid I give him the bacteria, what can I do?
Could Our Housekeeped with H Pylori Endanger Our Health
Our housekeeper (she visits twice a month) has been treated two times for H Pylori.
The first round of antibiotics did not clear her system.
She …
Should I Get Checked For H Pylori
my boyfriend has h pylori and we live together. I have had intimacy with him and kiss him. Do I need to get checked and see if I have this bacteria. …
Treatment of H Pylori in children
I have been diagnosed with H Pylori and I am currently taking medications. I had a blood test for my 7 years old daughter and she tested positive also …
How Long Until I Feel Better Getting Treated for H Pylori
How long till I will feel better? I have been taking flagyl and pepto bismul and pantoloc for h pylori bacteria and my stomach hurts day and night. I can't …
H Pylori and Thyroid Problems
I have developed a Thyroid problem recently (I am 59), or at least it appears it is recent, maybe it's been going on for a while. I have on and off since …
Babies and H Pylori
I recently found out that my "heartburn and gastritis" was H. Pylori. I am worried that I might have passed it to my 18 month old baby since sometimes …
Can I Test Positive for H Pylori and Have No Symptoms
I had horrible stomach ache about 6 weeks ago and went to the doctor. They did blood test and a breath test and it came back positive for h pylori. …
Working with food when H pylori positive
I have a restaurant and one of my staff members has just been diagnosed with H pylori. This particular employee works in the kitchen with food. Does she …
Please read this before asking any questions about H pylori being contagious. Please stop 'Worrying' that you are going to expose someone else.
You …
I have the H Pylori bacteria.
I have the H Pylori Bacteria and work in a nursing home... Should I be around the residents or should I stay @ home until I have a good dose of the antibiotics …
H Pylori is Contagious?
Hi i recently went to the doctor and they told me i have h pylori, I'm on medication already which makes me feel horrible like I can't breath, dizzy and …
Why Does H Pylori Treatment Make You Sick
Why does the treatment make you so sick? I'm taking clarithromyc 500 mg, amoxicillin 500 mg, and prevacid this treatment is making feel very sick to my …
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