Your An ANGEL!! Vitamin D Deficiency and Lyme Disease??
by Amy Hunter
(Aylett, Virginia)
Thank You for your quick reply to my last post. I will be taking Vitamin D3 and Magnesium, not OXIDE, rather CHELATED Magnesium to boost my 5.6 Vit. D level as per your site info. No extra calcium, I eat lot's of yogurt, cheese, etc.,no wonder the high cholesterol, I'm working on that.
Found another website of yours mentioning Lyme Disease and Vit. D. I live in the woods here in Aylett, VA and enjoy working in my yard. Have had more than my share of ticks over the last years. Last summer I had a VERY sore neck and swollen lymph nodes(scalp/neck) and a dead tick in my hair!! Don't know why I missed this as I wash my hair EVERY day. Never the less, I called my Doctor on Monday and was told to take Benedryl(sp?) and put ice on it. Was in so much pain I went to a (Doc In The Box) on Saturday and got antibiotics, whew thanks, that's what I needed!!!
Might I have Lyme disease, should I be checked. Is it called "Western Blot")THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO, Amy in Virginia