Will Magnesium Help Pain in the Neck From Vitamin D

by Luke

I am a 68 yr old male vetran disabled-now taking 1. lisinoprel 5 mg

2. hydrocholorothiazide 25 mg h20 pill
3. asprin .81 mg baby asprin
4. Potassium chloride three 8MEQ SA tab.
Dr Gupta by nurse Shanna raised potassium C. from 2 to 3 on 1-5-12th
5. baclofen 10 mg 3 times a day--
-last July 2011-
was taking fear of radiation 1 packet of cal-ez containing 1000 iu of Vit D3 -4000 iu vit.d3-table spoon of spirulina-600 mg of the weak alpha lipolic acid not r
VA nurse early summer 2011 after blood test called saying all was for once in "normal" "KEEP TAKING WHATEVER YOU ARE TAKING" I increasedthe Vit D3 to total 6000 iu
Mild pain in neck and other nodes-I stopped all supplements in July-Neck getting worse-calcium not high HELP.

Comments for Will Magnesium Help Pain in the Neck From Vitamin D

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Please see my page on Vitamin D and Magnesium
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Luke,

Please see my pages on:

Magnesium and Vitamin D

and the page on:

Potassium Levels. Low potassium levels are also indicative of magnesium deficiency as well as the pain in your neck once you started on the vitamin d.

Kerri Knox, RN

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