Why Would I Have a Sudden Long Bone Fracture

I just found out that my vitamin D level was low. I started on Vitamin D 50,000 Units per week for 8 wks. I went back to the doctor to have another vitamin D level drawn last Friday after 8 weeks of vit D supplements completed.

I'm waiting on the results now. I also had a bone scan done 1 week prior to the diagnosis of vitamin d deficiency. It was ok.

I don't need another bone scan for 3 more years per my doctor. But I fell outside and broke both bones in my lower leg. What would have cause this???? so quickly.

The emt was surprised that I was sitting up and talking while waiting for them to arrive. I was slightly uncomfortable but not in any major pain. Please respond.

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Osteoporosis for years of being vitamin d deficient..
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

I'm so sorry to hear about your fractures. Unfortunately, a bone scan won't tell you if you have osteoporosis. And osteoporosis is the most likely reason that you broke a couple of bones.

You see, you've probably had vitamin d deficiency for many years now, and if you've undergone chemotherapy then you're even more likely to get osteoporosis.

And if you have had cancer and low vitamin d, it's likely that you have probably not been getting outside doing weight-bearing and bone strengthening exercises. So, this didn't happen 'quickly', but your bones have probably been getting weaker and weaker for many years now.

And JUST getting your vitamin d level up doesn't reverse osteoporosis. Building bone is a process that involves a LOT of factors and takes time. I'm hoping that you get better soon and are able to get moving and get strong again quickly.

My thoughts will be with you....

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System


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