Why are My Laboratory Values So Crazy

by tammy
( alabama )

why is my hemoglobin and hematocrit high my mcv 94 and b12 . vitamin d and calc low.

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Lab tests on a piece of paper tell me nothing
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Tammy,

No one can tell you what is 'wrong' with you, if anything, by looking at some lab tests on paper without knowing what problems you are experiencing, etc.

Unless those lab values correlate with symptoms that you are actually experiencing, then it might mean that the lab made an error on your test.

Unless you provide me with actual information about your symptoms, what you are doing with your lifestyle and what you've tried to do to correct your symptoms, then I can't help. YOU are not a bunch of lab results on a piece of paper, and as of this point in time, I know absolutely nothing about you and telling me lab results without knowing about YOU is totally and completely meaningless.

Kerri Knox, RN

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