Vitamin D,1,25-Dihydroxy

by lan

I have had high level of calcium in my blood for years with a normal pth reading - my endocrinologist just check my vitamin d level and is was 140 out of reference range 19-67 pg/ml told me to come back in a year. Should i be concerned about this reading?

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You need a new endocrinologist..
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Ian,

I encourage you to please read the website Even if your parathyroid numbers are normal, with a high calcium, it's almost certain that you have parathyroid disease.

You should get a second opinion from a doctor who specializes in parathyroid disease and who is not 'just' an endocrinologist- despite what your endocrinologist will tell you.

Spend at LEAST a half an hour to an hour reading all of the information on the site and you'll understand why I think that you have parathyroid disease and your endocrinologist is simply missing it. See a parathyroid specialist ASAP.

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System


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It may not be parathyroid disease
by: Anonymous

Check Vitamin D dysregulation from sarcoidosis or other granulomatous disease. I was given 2000 IU Vitamin D and did not know that I had granulomas on my spleen and liver. I developed severe hypercalcemia, an avalanche of kidney stones. and was very, very ill. No doctors knew what was going on until I found to name of Dr. Charles Baughman in Cincinnati.

My kidneys are damaged, my GFR was very low but now improving with the removal of vitamin D from my diet. I now realize that everytime I went to the tropics or took vitamin D supplements, I developed kidney stones. I also, in this last bout of symptoms developed many dental cavities.

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