Comments for Vitamin D Deficiency with Osteoporosis and Back Pain

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Need more than what you are doing
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Eileen,

Yeah! I'm so glad that you are choosing not to take osteoporosis drugs. They are nasty and 'kill' your bone cells so that after a few years, you can't produce new healthy bone cells at all. And the end result is an INCREASE in fractures in bones that almost NEVER fracture, like a Broken Femur! Most doctors don't tell people that...

In any case, you are getting FAR FAR too little vitamin d to make any difference at all. Please read my page on Vitamin D Therapy and follow the instructions to get the proper amount of vitamin d that will actually fix your vitamin d deficiency. The dose that you are taking now will continue to leave you deficient forever, so you will NEVER feel better and your pain will never resolve if it's actually from vitamin d deficiency.

In addition, you need to understand that magnesium is actually needed for bones FAR more than calcium. Westerners already get far more calcium in our diets than other countries that get little to no osteoporosis. What those countries have in common is a high magnesium and vitamin d intake.

So, I HIGHLY suggest that you get and read the book Magnesium Medicine so that you understand better the huge role magnesium plays in bone health..

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System
Side Effects


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I also Have IBS
by: Eileen

Hi Kerri:
Thank you for your response - I see the primary doctor again near the end of March - I have to see what my exact levels of Vitamin D are but I also didn't mention - I have IBS and I really don't think taking magnesium would be the best thing for me.
I've been doing pretty good with the IBS-D since I am taking a prescription called Bentyl - and I don't want to mess that up, if you know what I mean. I have upped the dose of the Vitamin D to 2000. I am NOT taking any of the osteoporosis drugs, either - I've read too many serious side affects about all of them.
Thank you again - I didn't even realize you had answered my question.

I Found My D Level Out
by: Eileen

Yes, it's me again - I wrote you about having IBS and how magnesium might not be the way to go for me - I am taking bentyl and have been doing pretty good as far as the IBS-D is concerned.
But I did call the doctor and I was told my level is 23 - still was told to take 1,000 units of Vitamin D but I upped that to 4,000 units a day along with the 1200 calcium.

I still have pain but still remain flexible, too - it's annoying rib like pulling and sometimes, it goes to the shoulder blade - the spinal area is doing a lot better since I started the Vitamin D about a month ago.

I get a lot of sun in the summer as I have a pool in the yard and I am going back for a check up on 3-23 and asking about this chronic aching and I still will NOT go on any of the osteoporosis drugs he wants me to take, either.

How often should I get my Vitamin D levels checked - this result was from 2-9. Thank You

If you aren't willing to take magnesium..
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Eileen,

I'm not sure why you are so hesitant to take SOME magnesium. I do understand that IBS causes diarrhea, but most people with IBS have a relative deficiency of magnesium and if you are so low in vitamin d despite a lot of sun exposure, then you are probably quite magnesium deficient and need it a lot more than other people. And your pain could very well be due to magnesium deficiency- your osteoporosis CERTAINLY is due, in part, to lack of magnesium.

Start slow with small doses of NO DIARRHEA magnesium such as Jigsaw Health's Extended Release Magnesium Malate or use Transdermal Magnesium Gel.

Also, taking 4000 IU's of vitamin d per day, while it's far more than your doctor told you to take, is a standard MAINTENANCE dose that I recommend people START with to MAINTAIN their levels once their levels are normal.

It is not an appropriate dose to fix a low level, and if your pain truly is due to vitamin d deficiency, then you are going to suffer for a long long time on that dosage because it will not bring your level up- it will MAINTAIN your current level.

Please see my page on Vitamin D Therapy and follow the instructions there as I recommended to your before.

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System
Side Effects


PS: If you found this website helpful, please consider using the
Easy Immune Health Product Store the next time you purchase your supplements online. Your support allows me to keep this site running and educating as many people as possible. Thank you!

OK - Trying The Magnesium
by: Eileen

Thank you, Kerri, for responding to me. I went with my daughter who sees the same primary and told him about the amount of Vitamin D that he told me to take and he said I should be on the prescription 50,000 so he wrote me up one - I could have been on that for a month already so I am disgusted but I wanted you to know that I will also try the magnesium starting with a low dose and see how that works.

You should STILL be disgusted...
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Eileen,

You should STILL be disgusted. Please read my page on Prescription Vitamin D. It is NOT recommended and I mention that extensively on the Vitamin D Therapy page that I referred you to.

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System
Side Effects


PS: If you found this website helpful, please consider using the
Easy Immune Health Product Store the next time you purchase your supplements online. Your support allows me to keep this site running and educating as many people as possible. Thank you!

Not Taking the Prescription D after all
by: Eileen

Hery Kerri:

I feel like I'm running around in circles but now, I am taking 5,000 units of D-3 plus 1200 of the calcium and 400 of the magnesium - this is day three on the magnesium and I am not having any type of IBS episodes - so I was afraid for nothing.

I want to thank you for what you're doing - I had no idea of what having low Vitamin D could do to the human body. My lower back has improved over the two weeks I've been taking the D-3 with the calcium - now, I'm waiting for the ribs to ease up but I will NOT take any osteo drugs at all.
The doctor put me on the prescription D but I did not take it (LOL) - he only thinks I'm taking it but I have been taking the D-3 - I upped the dose to 5,000.

Yes, Me again (LOL)
by: Eileen

Oh Kerri:

I find this site extremely helpful and very informative - so I "shared" you on face book.

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