Vitamin d Deficiency and Dizzinesss

If You Get Dizzy on This, It's NOT From Vitamin D Deficiency!

If You Get Dizzy on This, It's NOT From Vitamin D Deficiency!

I recently had lab work due to experiencing medical problems. My Vitamin D Blood Test shows vitamin d deficiency with a VIT D 25 Hydroxy of 13.2 ng/ml.

It showed the normal vitamin d level with a range range of 32.0 - 100.0 ng/ml. My physician gave me a prescription for Vitamin D 1.25 MG to take 1 per week for 6 weeks with repeat bloodwork at 6 weeks for my vitamin d deficiency.

I have been experiencing symptoms of numbness and dizziness. Could these symptoms be associated with the vitamin d deficiency?

Could Vitamin D Deficiencies this low be dangerous?

Photo by Kitonlove

Comments for Vitamin d Deficiency and Dizzinesss

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Are Vitamin D Deficiencies Dangerous?
by: Kerri Knox, RN-The Immune Queen!

Vitamin D Deficiencies ARE dangerous, however, probably not in the way that you would think.

You are unlikely to die from it in the near future, but vitamin d defiency contributes to the development of many chronic illnesses. The Diseases that are linked to vitamin d defiency are:

And a LOT of other things that you just don't want to get! Vitamin D Deficiencies often cause what are called 'Long Latency Diseases'. Diseases that you get many years or decades down the road, so researchers have a hard time linking vitamin d deficiency with these diseases.

But on the 'shorter latency' side of things, vitamin d deficiency can cause body aches, chronic pain conditions, numbness and tingling and fatigue.

So those problems could very well resolve once you correct your vitamin d deficiency. But you will have to wait and see about the dizziness. There IS a relationship between Vitamin D Defiency and Falls as well as Balance and Strength- but not specifically dizziness.

So, make sure that you get a full workup for your dizziness as it COULD be a sign of something serious.

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Easy Immune

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