Vitamin D and Rib Pain
I started having low back pain and rib pain back at the end of December. I thought it was my old bed and went and bought a new one. Things seem not to improve so I went to my family doc and she performed a full battery of test and xrays which all came back normal except low
Vitamin D Level of 17.5.
The family doc told me to begin a supplement regimen of over the counter
Vitamin D3 Supplements and get out in the sun for 15 minutes a day. She really didn't tell me how much supplement to take so I bought some and starting taking I think 4,000 units a day.
I began to do my own research and found that wasn't enough to bring my level to normal range. I have been taking 10,000 units a day for approx 4 or 5 weeks. (Total time has been 9 weeks since lab work). My low back pain has subsided some and my rib pain is better however I do have intermittent areas on my body that still get sore and my joints still ache at times.
I am 35 years old and have been healthy with no medical problems except I began to have eczema approx 3 yrs ago which I have attributed to occupational exposure to harsh hand soaps. I am a RN and work in surgery.
My question is: How long should I expect to still have the muscle and joint pain with the taking of vit d supplements supposing that my levels are going up? Also, about a month into taking the
Vitamin D3 Supplements I started having muscle twitching and some
Muscle Cramps.
I have been taking mag supplements for 2 1/2 wks and it seems to be getting better but how much mag should I be taking and should I be taking a calcium supplement with it also? My
Blood Calcium Level was good back when I had the doctors visit. Thanks for your time. Finally, have you ever heard of people having rib pain with low vit d levels?