Gastric Bypass and Vitamin D Deficiency

by Brenda

Gastric Bypass Surgery Can be a Cause of Vitamin D Deficiency

Gastric Bypass Surgery Can be a Cause of Vitamin D Deficiency

Photo by Jimee, Jackie, Tom & Asha

I had Gastric Bypass 5 years ago and have been deficient in Vitamin D since that time.

I regularly take vitamin D supplements.

I suffer from severe leg cramps that wake me up at night. I see a PA at the surgeon's office who says this is not due to my Vitamin D deficiency. All other labs are within normal range.

I feel certain it is due to the vitamin D deficiency and that the gastric bypass surgery is the cause of the vitamin D deficiency.

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Vitamin D Ergocalciferol for gastric bypass

by Mike

My wife has had a gastric bypass procedure and has been on a Rx for 50,000u of Vitamin D (ergo) for 9 years. Medicare does not cover vitamins.

I can purchase Vitamin D, 50,000u over the counter but is is for D2. Is there any danger or benefit to the D3 since her system processes eveything she takes in about an hour?


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Post Bariatric Vitamin D Intake

by Cynthia

I'm a post bariatric patient with a slight Vitamin D deficiency. I started to take Vitamin D3 supllement drops in olive oil in 2000 iu's per day about two months ago.

I have two questions:

1: how often should I have my doctor test my vitamin d level?

2: is it reasonable to think I may need to take more than 2000iu's per day to keep my Vit. D. levels up? (I'm concerned about the kidney failure issue with possibility of overdose - although I have no reason to think I'm experiencing any overdose symptoms at this time)

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Aggressive Vitamin D Treatment after Gastic Bypass

by Dale Glick
(Allentown PA)

I had a Vitamin D level come back 11 ng/ml. I had a gastric by pass done 6 yrs ago. I have been experiencing severe back pain for well over 7 months and pain all over my body.

I have even had a total knee replacement approx 5 months ago. But even taking lyrica and vicodin on a daily basis, I am not getting any relief.

I am about to see a rheumatologist who wants to treat my vitamin d level aggressively, and I am scared. Please help reassure me, what could this possibly entail.

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Vitamin D Deficiency Treatment after Gastric Bypass

I was just told by my endocrinologist that my vitamin d level was 9 ng/ml. I had my thyroid removed last year - and I am confused as to why this never was picked up before. Here is my question... is there something I can do besides taking the medication to increase my levels. I had gastric bypass surgery in 2003 and I have tried to keep a very easy diet and I do not eat red meats.

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