Vitamin D 50000 IU and anxiety attack?
I was told by my doctor last week that my vitamin D level was 11. He prescribed 50,000 IU for me to take once a week for 3 months. I took my first dose three days ago and on the second day I experienced what I am guessing was an anxiety attack.
I have never felt this way ever and hopefully won't ever again - but I honestly thought I was going to die. I thought I had completely lost my mind! SO SCARY! It lasted 10 minutes, but since then I still have not felt "right". Just wondering if you've ever heard of this happening to anyone else. I'm guessing it was just way too much Vitamin D for my body at one time.
I am NOT a medicine taker - I never take anything other than Tylenol! My doctor doesn't seem to be concerned that this happened, but it scared me half to death!
I am a fairly healthy 38 year old female, but went to my doctor because I was feeling extremely tired and was experiencing body/bone aches. He did bloodwork and that's when he told me about my Vit. D deficiency. So now I am terrified to take any Vitamin D. However with levels at 11, I obviously need it.
What's your advice???
Thank you!