Vitamin B12 shots side effects
by Rosa
(New York)
what do you mean by immune system activation and infection in some people taking B12 injections?
I've been deficient in B12 for several years and have tried oral supplements for several years with no luck - my body doesn't seem to absorb it. (I lack intrinsic factor). So I started on B12 injections couple years ago and my energy levels really picked up!
Recently I've developed thinning/melting of my right eye cornea which am worried about.
Doctors don't know why. Auto-immune tests like RA factor and ANA etc are normal. But I've been hypo-thyroid for 20 years which is under control with 112mcg synthroid daily. Have you heard of any co-relation between B12 injections and eye infections?
I'm female and age 55 and have food/air allergies for which I've been taking Zyrtec for many years which keeps the sneezing & hives under control.