Vitamin B12 Deficiency
My recent B12 test result was 141 Ng/L!
For years I have been telling Doctors of my many many symptoms to no avail- including Dizziness/ Weakness/ Lethargic/ Joint pains/ Sore mouth and Tongue/ LOC/ Frequent Bowel disorders/ smelly gas/ Disturbed sleep/ excess sweating/ skin rashes/ eyes twitching and weakness/ warts on hands/ Hair loss/ Boils on knees and legs/ Shaky fingers and hands etc...+ as per your mail above I have had "Hyper-pigmentation" all over my body for last 15 years & have severe Psoriasis since the last 20 years- resulting in a very dark brown, very itchy & easily-bleeding skin condition around the entire Groin and anal region.
In fact I have been taking supplements for the past 2 years- including Life Extension B Complex + Vit D3 + Nature Life's Vit C but still my condition worsened severely until finally they discovered B12 deficiency just by luck.
They have tested my Blood Intrinsic Factor and other blood tests but all fine- hence not presumed to be suffering from Pernicious Anema (yet!) or Auto-immune Disease. Folate/ RBC Folate/ TSH Thyroid/ Creatinine/ Platelet/ INR/ Cortisol levels all were fine!
Further the Biopsies from a thorough Endoscopy were all fine too + Brain scan showed no neurological damage to date. Waiting to do a Colonoscopy to rule out Crohns Disease + Halter test for my Heart + possibly a Bone Marrow Biopsy!
Do I need to get the following Tests done too:
-Urinary MMA test
-Stomach acid test (both as you mentioned above)
-MTHFS test (to determine if body can metabolize Folic acid)
To boost my level at once- I ordered a few Methyl-cobalamin Injections just to start with But completely agree with your conclusion and plan to use Sublingual tablets thereafter.
From people's past experiences shared over the net- it seems the best Brands to currently use are:
-Enzymatic Therapy 1mg B12 Infusion Daily
-Solgar Methyl-Folate 400mcg Daily
-Adenosyl B12 Source Natural's Dibencozide 10mg Weekly
+ all basic Vitamins n Minerals
So wanted to ask your expert opinion if that is the correct method to treat my disorder or if you have any other recommendations of Brands or treatment?
Much much appreciated!