Vitamin B12 Blood Test Accuracy

by Jude
(los angeles ca)

I had a B12 shot a while ago and felt terrific for a day or 2. I am 63 - bad memory very tired all the time and some of the other symptoms I believe my doctor tested for a deficiency and said I didn't. I don't eat meat with the exception of chicken and some fish. Could it be I can still have it without it showing up on a blood test?

Many thanks for your help with this.

PS Would patches work as well as the shots. I'd sure rather have a patch then a shot and esp since the shots don't last.

Comments for Vitamin B12 Blood Test Accuracy

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Why take shots?
by: Kerri Knox, Registered Nurse

Hi Jude,

I've covered all of your questions before on my site, including writing specific pages for each of these issues except the patches, which I don't recommend due to lack of studies. Just take sublingual as that's what they were made for. Please read my pages on:

Vitamin B12 Levels to see why the blood test is completely useless.

Vitamin B12 Malabsorption to see why you would get low levels in the first place. You don't just 'randomly' get low vitamin b12 levels, there HAS to be a reason for it (PS: chicken and fish ARE meat).


Vitamin B12 Deficiency Treatment to see how to correct your deficiency.

Kerri Knox, Registered Nurse

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