Upper respiratory symptoms from gluten?

by Julie
(Roanoke, VA)

My son has been gluten free for almost three years and has never been healthier. He is 13 and also has autism. I have had IBS for years, and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about two years ago.

Yesterday, I had a bowl of cream of wheat. I don't think I had eaten that in over a year.

Within probably an hour, I had diarrhea, and I started sneezing non stop. My nose became extremely stuffy. I didn't relate the two (stomach and nose) until today. Could the sneezing and stuffy nose have been from the wheat/gluten?

Thank you very much,
Julie Neal

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It certainly could
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Julie,

It certainly could have been the gluten that bothered you. You now have some information in your own body experiment and you can now pay close attention in the future for how your body reacts when you have gluten.

Even that tickle or mucous feeling of having to clear your throat of mucous could be a sign that you are having a food allergy. The only way to know for sure is to pay attention for the next time.

Glad to hear that your son is doing well off of gluten.

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System

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