Slightly Elevated Calcium Level
I recently had a calcium level of 10.6 (8.8-10.5) very slightly raised. My rheumatologist did blood work but never mentioned it to me. I only found out because she sent me a copy of my results. So if she didn't think it was anything to worry about, Is it?
I also have a rare liver disease-Liver Adenomatosis- which was diagnosed about 2 1/2 to 3 years ago. I've had blood work done last year and the calcium level was 10.1. So do I have anything to worry about? Can it be caused by liver disease?
I also have so many of the symptoms which I didn't think much about because I have Fibromyalgia also. But recently I've had a lot of tingling through out my body mostly lower limbs. Weakness is starting to bother me
and scare me. Please advise.
ps I'm skeptical of saying anything to my regular doctor because I've been through so much with no results to the problems because of Fibromyalgia.