Should husband take RX Vitamin D 50000 with serum calcium level 10.6?

by Lana Miller
(Shelby, NC)

My husband's Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy level was 25. His serum calcium level was 10.6.

His MD ordered Vitamin D 50, 000 IU's 1 capsule weekly for 24 weeks. This is the first
time his calcium level has been elevated and also the first time to have Vitamin D levels measured.

He has been taking a D3 capsule, 1000 mg for a couple of years.

Your booklet says not to take Vit D if calcium level is elevated. Should he take the
MD's Rx or just treat with a 5000 IU supplement?

Thank you.

Comments for Should husband take RX Vitamin D 50000 with serum calcium level 10.6?

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Find out WHY His Calcium Level is High
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Lana,

When I said that you shouldn't take Vitamin d with a high calcium level, the reason is because the high calcium level COULD cause damage such as calcifications. My warning against taking vitamin d with a high calcium level is the same whether you take prescription vitamin d of 7000 Iu's per day (which is the same as 50,000 IU's per week) or whether you take 5000 IU's of Vitamin D3 per day.

In other words, IF the vitamin d is going to cause harm, it will cause harm in EITHER of the dosages that you mentioned. So, my suggestion is, before your husband takes ANY vitamin d at all, he MUST find out WHY he has a high calcium level and get that taken care of and ONLY take vitamin d if specifically told to do so by an ENDOCRINOLOGIST and NOT a general practitioner.

Your doctor is being remiss 'just' to give you vitamin d and not investigate his high calcium further. When a high calcium level is present, there is a REASON for it, and your doctors need to find it.

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System
Side Effects

gallbladder bilarl colic
by: Anonymous

yes I went to hospital the other night with cronic stomach pain they come up with an answer as why I have gall stones but also stomach pain with it my diasoigas was Gallbladder bilat colic and my calcium level was at a 12 can you maybe tell me why this happened and why my level is that high I also think I have kidney stones also although I was not checked for it could this have an effect on my calcium level

High Calcium levels
by: Kerri

Please read to see the #1 reason for high calcium levels. Please read the ENTIRE website and learn about why high calcium levels occur.

Kerri Knox, RN

Vitamin D 400 iu
by: Joe

My calcium levels have been fluctuating between 10.0 and 10.8 over the last years. On my most recent blood work, my calcium was 10.4 and my vitamin D levels at 18. Because I feel extremely weak, my doctor suggested to take Vitamin D 400 twice daily. Is this a safe amount to take while they're trying to figure out if I have an issue with my parathyroid? Thanks.

read the thread
by: Kerri Knox

Read the thread. You should see a parathyroid specialist.

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