by Pam.
My doctor tells me I have a very high vitamin D level. He says Sarcoidosis makes the level go high. Unfortunately, I always seem to find doctors who are never good at telling the levels of lab results to the patient as if it's none of the patient's business and I do resent that. Next time I see him, I will be armed with a notebook full of questions!!!
Any way, is there anything I can do to counteract that high level and anything the doctor could do to help counteract it? I'm staying out of the sun as much as possible but it looks like so many foods have vitamin D in them...I don't understand how anyone can be deficient. I have very itchy skin (especially my back),nausea,irritability,trouble sleeping,my eyes itch and burn(also,red from broken vessels)and some blurriness. Can't seem to lose weight,either. I'm on Prednisone 10mg for the Sarcoidosis, Synthroid 50mg and Valtrex for Shingles. My doctor seems concentrated on the Sarcoidosis because it affects my lungs but right now I'm more concerned about the effects on my eyes. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Pam.