Safe to take Vit. D with calcification on mammogram?

by Susan
(Poway, CA)

Please I would like to know if it's safe to up my dosage of Vit. D since my latest mammogram showed questionable calcifications. They want me to have a biopsy soon. My last test for Vitamin D showed a 30 ng so it looks like I should up my dosage of vit. D.

In reading the facts @ Vit. D it said that those w/calcifications should not take extra D. So I am confused as it should be helpful w/breast cancer, if that is what I have or at least help in preventing it. I welcome your input very much.

Thank You, Susan

Comments for Safe to take Vit. D with calcification on mammogram?

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This is a Problem
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Susan,

YIPES! Why are your doctors doing a biopsy for a calcification??? Calcifications are very clearly different from cancer, so why are they thinking that it is cancer if they think it is a calcification??

And second, needle biopsies have been shown to increase metastasis if you actually DO have cancer. Breast cancer that is in a neat and tidy little ball gets 'spread out' along the 'needle tract' when a biopsy is done and spreading the cancer cells throughout the breast!

So, you may want to talk to your doctors long and hard before having this 'simple' procedure done that, at best, is unnecessary and at worst COULD INCREASE your death from breast cancer!!

Here are my resources for this statment:

Local Recurrence of Breast Cancer in the Stereotactic Core Needle Biopsy Site

A prospective study of seeding of the skin after core biopsy of the breast

Malignant seeding of the needle track during stereotaxic core needle breast biopsy

I guarantee you that they will downplay the risk, but the risk EXIST. Is it a large risk, no. It is a risk- absolutely.

Next, vitamin d only causes calcifications in 2 cases:

1)When you overdose on Vitamin D


But WHY you have a calcification and whether it is really cancer or a calcification is the question to get answered.

I can't tell you whether it's a good idea to take vitamin d or not when you already have calcifications. I would DEFINITELY say it's a bad idea if you are NOT taking magnesium as per the Magnesium Dosage page.

Only you can decide what to do, but you have the right to have your doctor tell you ALL of the risks as well as the benefits. But the big question is why they are unable to detect the difference between a calcification and cancer, and is there a better way (an MRI perhaps?) to discover this difference? And another good question is to ask if it's important to determine this difference RIGHT NOW.

Many breast cancers are extremely slow growing, which is one of the reasons why mammograms are potentially causing an INCREASE in mortality- because they are discovering and aggressively treating breast cancers that would have gone away on their own. So, how imperative IS IT to find out ASAP what this is? How dangerous is it to wait a month and reevaluate the lump?

Don't be intimidated or frightened. Please take a deep breath, do some research and ask your doctor a hundred questions before you take any drastic measures.

Calcifications cause
by: Nicolas

Calcifications can be caused by:
- Vitamin D deficiency (mostly) or toxicity - lack of calcium causes calcifications. Vitamin D has dualistic role in calcifications
- Vitamin K2 deficiency
- Magnesium deficiency

Please read this:

Vitamin D and Vascular Calcifications

Dangers of Calcium Supplements

[Note: this site provides a Vitamin D Absorption Pack that could just as easily be called the 'Anti Calcification Pack' that provides a SMALL amount of calcium, and adequate amounts of Vitamin D, Magnesium, and Vitamin K]

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