Muscle Cramps and skin draws inward like it ha sa vacuum on it?

by Pamela
(Texas, United States)

My 84 year old mom is having major muscle spasms in her arms .. when she does it there one of two ways it happens. most often she gets a hard lump on the inside of the elbow, arm above it swells and one or more fingers cross over under the other fingers (Very painful) .. other times .. she gets a pain in the wrist and then you can watch the skin draw up .. and see a depression area all around the wrist for about two inches above the hand .. skin goes white .. It reminds me of sticking a pillow in a bag and then suctioning out the air. At it's worst .. it looks like she's had a stretch bandage on too tight and just removed it.

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Just follow the recommendations on the page
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Please read my page on Causes of Muscle Cramps. If she's describing it as a muscle cramp, then what it looks like is almost certainly irrelevant. Just follow the recommendations and see if they go away.

Kerri Knox, RN

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