Multiple Deficiencies, Chronic GI Problems, and Thalassemia Minor
by Lauren
I am only 22 yrs. old. The entire time I was in college and still today suffer greatly from constipation, severe stomach problems and chronic fatigue. I crave sweets and bread to the point to where I think its ridiculous and realize it's not normal. Every few months I go to the doctor with complaints of chronic fatigue.
First I was diagnosed with Iron deficiency and anemia. A couple months ago I was told that I had a severe b12 deficiency and most recently my vitamin D was a 12. I was in a lot of pain before beginning supplements a couple weeks ago. However, after starting treatment my pain escalated so great I had no idea what was going on. None of the doctors will entertain the idea of prescribed pain meds.
I have not made it through a complete night's sleep in over a month due to pain. If my bones aren't hurting, my stomach is sounding off and feels like it is churning, keeping me awake. If I do finally fall asleep, sometimes, I wake up in pain.
I also have Thalassemia minor. I am told repeatedly that it means nothing and won't contribute to any symptoms. As for my stomach, i've gone to the doctor before and the doctor just listened to it with a stethoscope and said it was probably an ulcer. It went away for a while and has been back ever since. I am so constipated that I only go to the restroom about 1-2Xs a month.
Everytime I go to the doctor they give me something for it, nothing has solved my problem. The doctors all say that it is normal and not every person goes to the restroom often. I beg to differ. In conclusion, I want to know why these deficiencies keep occurring and will I eventually have to take all necessary vitamins by supplements.
I already take Iron, B12, and now 50,000 IU of Vit D. Also I do not know what else to do to manage such great pain and how much longer will I have to suffer and feel so drained? Doctors have been unable or unconcerned to fully explain what is going on with me. I'm unable to do anything productive. Could the cause of all this be gluten intolerance?
What should I do now?