Ms/Vitamin D deficieny
by Gloria
My vitamin D level was a 9. My doctor prescribed Vitamin D2 at 50.000 ui a week for 12 weeks. I am on week number 9 and the aching that I was feeling is almost gone. However my hands do not grip things well and my fingers on both hands but mostly on right side are painful and don't work right.
Today I donated blood plasma for the 4th time.I had a very bad reaction.I had one other bad reaction 2 weeks earlier but not anything close to as bad as this one today.Today Both hands contorted and I could not move them. I was tingly in hands, feet,and mouth and had trouble talking. My blood pressure dropped to 52.I had to call my son to pick me up as I was afraid to drive and also the nurse did not want me to drive. She even considered call a ambulance to get me checked out
The nurse asked me if anybody in my family has ever been diagnosed with ms. I do not know that answer as I don't know my family very well. When I had my physical for the job I have been at for 5 months I was told that I had a very week grip. Could ms or a vitamin D deficiency cause the reaction I had today at the plasma center? How does one get tested for ms? I am 47 year old female.