merformin and b12 deficiency b12 levels are low 258 and i am taking 500 mg metformin for diabetes. I know that i need to go up on my b12 as i have lot of symptoms which indicate same. I am not very keen on taking shots so pls advise which brand of b12 medication i need to take and what dose keeping in consiseration that metformin might reduce my absorption of b12. Thanks

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Please read my pages
by: Kerri Knox, RN

I've addressed dosage of Vitamin B12 on many pages. You can read information about the Side Effects of Metformin and the negligence of your doctor not to have prevented your problems by simply giving B12 a long time ago instead of waiting for you to suffer serious and possibly permanent symptoms from this very serious problem. Oh, when will they start actually caring about their patients!

In any case, please read my pages on:

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Treatment to see how much you need to take.

and the page on Vitamin B12 Shot Problems to see why you have no need for shots- regardless of what your doctor tells you.

You might also want to consider just resolving your diabetes, instead of suffering from a lifelong illness, when your illness is completely reversible.

I would highly suggest that get The Healthy Urban Kitchen and read up on ways that you can reverse your illness. There is no need to 'manage' a chronic illness that you can reverse. If you choose to take the responsibility for your health that you'll need to do in order to take on the challenge to not continue to be a victim of chronic illness. You can do this if you choose. Haven't you suffered enough from the problems associated with diabetes?

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System
Side Effects

PS: If you appreciate the free help that I give on my site, please consider making your next supplement purchase through my Health Store in order to help keep this site in operation.

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