Macrocytosis Prognosis
by Toni
(Louisville, KY, USA)
I was diagnosed with macrocytosis about 13 or 14 years ago. I didn't think, nor was I led to believe, that this was anything to worry about. However during my last semi-annual visit to the doctor with blood work, I was told that my condition is worsening. Furthermore, I was told that they had ruled out thyroid functions and B12 and folate levels; therefore, "... the suspected culprit is alcohol intake, and I would sugest that you abstain from alcohol."
I'm 65 years old and have been a moderate social drinker all my adult life, but I didn't think it was a problem. However, since I received this latest news, I have quit drinking.
I have tried my best to find out what happens if you don't do anything about this condition. I keep finding information on "causes," but nothing whatsover on what happens if this gets worse or if you don't do anything about it. I did see a brief sentence in one of the articles that it can affect your organs, but it didn't specify which organs or to what extent. I basically am trying to find out how serious a condition this is.
Any information (NOT CAUSES) you can give me will be appreciated. Thank you very much.