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Vitamin D and Lupus
by: Kerri Knox- The Immune Queen


Most doctors just don't know how to manage chronic illness. Just like you, they are also hoping to find that 'one thing' that will make your problems go away. Unfortunately, that's why chronic illness doesn't respond very well to Conventional Medical approaches. Take it from me, I've been a Registered Nurse for over 14 years and I've seen how Conventional Medicine fails people like you. And I've also seen how Functional Medicine can help people to make Huge improvements in their conditions using sound, scientifically based approaches.

The problem with Lupus, as all autoimmune diseases Barbara, is that your immune system is completely overloaded and overstimulated. It's got so much to do that it just attacks everything- including you. Vitamin D in an anti-inflammatory AND an immune system stimulant, so it CAN help to improve your condition... but it's not going to make your Lupus go away.

So the question becomes.... what is causing your immune system to attack YOU!


The cause of most chronic health problems is a condition called "Leaky Gut" or "Increased Intestinal Permeability". This condition causes undigested food in your digestive tract- essentially sewage- to constantly leak into your bloodstream. This causes your immune system to go CRAZY trying to get rid of all of that junk- and YOU get caught in the crossfire! Unfortunately, while there is plenty of research in the literature on leaky gut, your doctor will not test you for it- nor will he believe that it could possibly exist in YOU.

And that's why your doctor will continue to do test after test, finding essentially nothing. But you're not going to get better until you fix your leaky gut and all of the associated problems and reasons for it. One of the best and most inexpensive resources to start changing your lifestyle and diet in order to get healthy is Dr. Carolyn Dean's Future Health Now Program. It's a series of modules that you get once per week, that gives you ACTION STEPS that you can take to really get well!!

And you can download the first module for free in order to get a look at what she has to offer. I highly recommend that you take a look at her program. It could change your life!

Kerri Knox, RN
Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Easy Immune

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