Low Vitamin D and Transiently High Calcium

by Joy
(Gilbert, Arizona)

have not felt well for quite a while and my symptoms are getting worse. My Vitamin D level is 8 and I have had high calcium in the past of 10.6. It is now back down in the 9.5 range.

The doctor has checked my PTH level and it comes back normal (not sure the number). My Uric Acid is very high and other things are very low. I recently found out that my Vitamin A and E are high which makes no sense since I don't take supplements. I am in pain all over, constantly nauseous with diarrhea, low energy, migraine headaches etc.

I feel like I can't function normally on a daily basis. I also experience depression but it may be because of the way I always feel. Every once in a while I have a decent day. I need help but I just keep going to different doctors that treat only separate parts of me and mostly just the symptoms. I have recently been diagnosed with insulin resistance as well.

If you have any ideas, I would greatly appreciate it. Is it still possible to have Parathyroid problems with a normal PTH level? I have had calcium in my urine in the past as well. I don't believe that was the case with the last urine test.

Thanks for your help!


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High Calcium Levels and Low Vitamin D
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Joy,

OK, so I'm not sure what your doctor is waiting for. From the first time you had a high calcium level, he should have given you a referral to an endocrinologist. And you need to INSIST on seeing an endocrinologist.

If that IS your endocrinologist, then you need to insist on seeing a parathyroid specialist because your endocrinologist is obviously not really doing anything.

If you have a high calcium level, it is suspicious for parathyroid disease. Please go to Parathyroid.com and read EVERYTHING there. It is a mini course in parathyroid disorders and if you carefully read everything, then you will know more about parathyroid disease than most endocrinologists.

Do NOT take calcium and do NOT take vitamin d until you get 'Clearance' from an endocrinologist that it is safe to do so. Parathyroid disease is one of the few Vitamin D Contraindications. And don't take it even if your PRIMARY doctor says it's OK. Get an endocrinologist to check you out for parathyroid disease based on the criteria on Parathyroid.com- and you can even use them as a resource and ask them about your case if you don't get good enough answers from your endocrinologist.

But print out the information there and take it to your doctor if you have to, and if he doesn't think that an endocrinologist appointment is 'indicated' because your calcium level has come down, then be sure to tell him that you are writing it down that you requested an endocrinologist evaluation and were turned down and take that to a notary to have it notarized, then send him a copy along with the parathyroid information and a note that says you are going to sue the pants off of him if it turns out that you DO, indeed, have an endocrine disorder that was ignored despite your request.

If you don't feel comfortable doing that, then get someone to help you. You need to be evaluated.

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System

Calcium no longer high
by: Anonymous

But my last test had a normal Blood Calcium Level but an extremely low D level. I am on 50,000IU of D per week but instead of feeling better I am feeling worse. An Endocrinologist put me on the vitamin d

Prescription Vitamin D
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

I'm assuming this is Joy responding? You didn't leave your name so I'm not 100% sure.

Please read my page on Prescription Vitamin D to see why that is NOT a good idea to be taking that prescription though.

It would be MUCH better to take the same amount of vitamin d in the form of Vitamin D3 Supplements.

Hmmm. You told me that your last vitamin d level was 47 ng/ml... How long ago WAS that level done?

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System

Please help!
by: mimi

I have a high calcium level but pth is normal. on the next blood work I had i then had a high liver enzyme and high potassium and a b12 level of 35. My doctor says I don't have a parathyropoid tumor but with my symptoms and everything I read I'm not so sure. Something is not right . I am fatigued my jpoints ache I can't sleep and I also fractured my foot from just shopping for several hours and was in a cast for a long time because it was slow to heal. I am frustrated all I have gotten from all my Drs. visits... more bloodwork!

please read parathyroid.com
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Please read Parathyroid.com. You almost certainly DO have parathyroid disease. Please keep reading that website until you understand why I believe that. You almost certainly have Gluten Sensitivity and/or The H Pylori Bacteria that is causing malabsorption and/or you are eating terrible as well.

I suggest that you read the above links and also get the Real Food Summit in order to learn about the dietary mistakes that you are making that may be causing you to have so many problems.

Kerri Knox, RN

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