Comments for Low Vitamin D and Missed Period?

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missed period
by: Anonymous

I recently was diagnosed with Vitmanin-D deficiency. I also have missed my period for 5 months.

May be something to this.

Just saying.

periods at 58?
by: Anonymous

I am a 58 year old woman who hasn't had a period in over two years. My Dr. recommended taking some vitamin D supplements (just for health issues) Darned if my periods didn't start back up.

Not exactly a welcome event mind you, but wondering if there is a link?

tested negative
by: Anonymous

I was i diagnosed with low vitamin D back in may when i got my period for 3 wks. i've been on birth control for 3 yrs now, and they started me on some prescribed vitamins for 3 months, but now that she has taken me off i missed my period. pregnancy tests are coming back negative. is there really no way to test if there is a link in the future? im only 22. and have gotten blood work done regularly.

same symptoms
by: Anonymous

I am a 24 year old mother of 1 and have never missed a period. I had missed my period for two months with a vitamin deficiency. My doctor tried to say it was weight related even though i'm not severely overweigt. She upped my vitamin d supplementation to 50,000 iu and wanted me to take progesterone to help with my irregular cycles. Before I took the progesterone I read a great article on relating vit d deficiency to missed periods. I took the increased dosage of vit d for three days without the progesterone and ended up starting my period. No need for the progesterone, it was the vit d all along.

Missed Periods in Winter
by: Anonymous

My daughter seems to stop getting her periods every winter (we live in the northeast) and in the other months her period starts back normal again. She was recently found to have low vit. D levels - so I think there could be a link for some women.

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