Low vit d and miscarriage

by Sabrina

I was told I had low vitamin D and needed more sunshine. The next week I found out I was pregnant. I increased my sunshine and took prenatal vitamins. I'm 31 and in great health except chronic migraines, back pain with no meds. I had a miscarriage at about week 10. Now 3 months later still getting plenty of sunshine, still taking prenatal vitamins. I was told I had below normal vitamin D 22.2ng/mL. Could there be a correlation? I was hoping to try again soon but would like to do all I can to prevent future MC.

Thank You!

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Vitamin D and Pregnancy
by: Kerri Knox, RN

While there may not necessarily be a correlation that has been scientifically documented as of yet, it just makes sense that if you are insufficient in nutrients that your body may not be able to sustain the growth of an entire human being from your insufficient body reserves of that nutrient.

And if you are insufficient in Vitamin D, what other nutrients are you insufficient in such that you are unable to maintain the growth of a new human being?

There have been studies, however, on the fact that higher doses of Vitamin D, on the order of 4000 IU's per day, have lower complications in pregnancy. I've answered similar questions many times. Here is a compilation of the many questions that I've answered on the subject of Vitamin D and Pregnancy.

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
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