Low testosterone levels, low body temp, cold intolerance, infertility
by Anthony
I've read almost all the information available on your site and really appreciate all the insightful information you provide!
I'm a 26 year old male who has had a problem with low testosterone levels since I was 19. I also seem to have hypothyroid symptoms (low body temp, cold intolerance, fatigue) and low fertility (see test results below). I've been to various doctors and the diagnoses have ranged from hypochondriac to hypothyroidism so I don't really know what to make of it all. I've been offered thyroid meds but I want to find the root cause before going on any medication.
My half-brother has Celiac disease but my blood test for celiac (while eating gluten) came back negative. However, I have gone on a gluten-free diet recently after reading you articles on gluten sensitivity. I'm obviously hoping that non-celiac gluten sensitivity is the root cause of all of my issues but I'm finding it hard to believe because I don't see any indications of malabsorption on my blood tests. From what I understand, in order for gluten to be a problem and cause hormonal imbalances - malabsoroption must be present, right?
I will obviously stay on the gluten-free diet for a couple of months and see if I improve. If
I don't, do you have any other ideas on what might be wrong? Doctors can't explain it and don't want to investigate further due to financial constraints and I'm completely out of ideas. I've had a brain MRI, chest X-ray and abdomen ultrasound and everything came back fine, testes are working fine as well, no thyroid antibodies, no diabetes. I've posted the results from my latest blood test below (taken at 8 AM). If you've got time to take a look at my case, I would be incredibly grateful. Thank you!
TSH: 2.82 mU/L (0.2-4.00) (has risen from ~1.5 since I started taking 50 mg of Lugol's per day)
Hemoglobin: 141 g/L (134-170) (my level has always been around 138-141)
Erythrocyte Particle Concentration: 4.4 (4.2-5.7)
Hematocrit: 0.42 (0.39-0.50)
MCV: 94 fL (82-98)
MCH: 32 pg (27-33)
MCHC: 338 g/L (317-357)
Leukocyte Particle Concentration: 4.1 (3.5-8.8)
Thrombocyte count: 141 (145-348) (low - is this a problem?)
Sodium: 142 mmol/L (137-145)
Potassium: 4.2 mmol/L (3.6-5.0)
Calcium: 2.51 mmol/L (2.15-2.50) (has risen from ~2.3 since getting vit D levels into the optimum range)
Albumin: 42 g/L (36-48)
Creatine: 95 mcmol/L (<100 mcmol/L)
Zinc: 14 mcmol/L (10-16)
Bilirubin: 31 mcmol/L (<26) (has always been elevated, doctors say Gilbert's syndrome. Any opinions?)
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST): 0.78 units/L (<0.76) (elevated, should I bee concerned?)
ALP: 1.2 (0.6-1.8)
S-gamma-GT: 0.22 (<1.4)
Orosomucoid: 0.48 (0.52-1.17)
Haptoglobin: 1 mg/dL (2.4-19) (low, cause for concern?)
Immunoglobulin A (IgA): 83 mg/dl (88-450) (low, cause for concern?)
Iron: 13 mcmol/L (9-34) (is this low?)
TIBC: 59 mcmol/L (47-80)
Iron saturation: 0.22 (0.15-0.60)
Ferritin: 83 mcg/L (30-200)
Lactate Dehydrogenase: 2.7 (<3.5)
Cortisol: 270 nmol/L (200-800) (really low, but I don't know how to raise morning cortisol)
Estradiol: <50 pmol/L (<50)
FSH: 4.4 U/L (0.7-11)
LH: 1.1 U/L (0.8-8.0)
Progesterone: <0.64 nmol/L (<2.0)
Testosterone: 9.2 nmol/L (>10)
SHBG: 37 nmol/L (10-57)
fT4: 13 pmol/L (9-22)
fT3: 3.2 pmol/L (2.5-5.6)
TPO antibodies: <0.5 kU/L (<5.6)
Tg antibodies: 2.2 kU/L (<4.1)
TSH-receptor antibodies: <1.0 IE/L (<1.0))
HbA1c: 30 mmol/mol (27-42)
25(OH)D: 146 nmol/L (25-105) (this was 48 nmol/L two months ago but D3 supplementation increased levels)
S-transglut antibodies: <8 AU/ml (<8)
Gliadine antibodies: <18 AU/L (<18)
S-PTH: 2.7 pmol/L (1.3-6.8)
S-IGF-1: 205 mcg/L (117-329)
Cobalamine: 686 pmol/L (150-800) (this was 355 pmol/L two months ago but mehtylcobalamine supplementation increased levels)
S-Methylmalonate: 0.08 mcmol/L (<0.28)
Follic acid: 44 nmol/L (7.0-40) (high, is this a problem?)
B9: 39 nmol/L (8-39)
Magnesium: 0.81 mmol/L (0.7-0.95)
Cholesterol: 4.0 mmol/L (2.9-6.1)
fP-Triglycerides: 0.44 mmol/L (0.45-2.6) (low, is this a problem?)
GH: 0.5 mIU/L (0-2.4)
Semen analysis:
Volume: 3.4 mL (1.5-6.0)
Concentration: 11 million/mL
Total count: 37 million (> 40)
-rapid: 1%
-slow: 17%
-non-progressive: 2%
-immotility: 80%