I Cured Atrial Fibrillation With Minerals
by Larry
About 8 years ago, I began to experience atrial fibrillation. I have had it in momentary spells never lasting more than an hour in duration at lengthy intervals spanning years since I was 16 but this time it persisted for two weeks.
After the first four or five days I realized that it was not going to subside by itself. I can't prove it but it seems that I can effect fibrillation in myself by relaxing. Not this time. I hit the internet. At the time the consensus clearly indicated that except for an experimental surgery severing some micro nerve in the neck preformed only once in Canada,there was no cure for
Atrial Fibrillation.
A lifetime of digoxin and Coumadin was (and still may be)the "Treatment de Jour". I don't fancy that idea much so I decided to slow down and take an inventory to find the reason for the sudden onset.
Bottom line is that I was on hydrochlorathazide and linisopril for hypertension and drank huge amounts of coffee. I figured that all of my essential minerals had been urinated out. They had been depleted to dangerous levels and I was lucky that this was the only disease that manifested. I took some liquid minerals and my heart reset itself on the THIRD NIGHT!
Feels good to be right!
When I told my Doctor how I cured atrial fibrillation she just about crapped herself she was so pissed. I thought that she might congratulate me and tell me why it worked so well but she was livid!
She wanted me to immediately admit me to the hospital.
I reminded her that I had no symptoms. Then she insisted that I wear a halter monitor for a week. She scolded me and said that I had risked stroke. I informed her that I already thought of that and had taken 10 aspirin a day to thin my blood. She just got more and more irrational and kept insisting on getting me caught up in a web of medical procedures and drugs therapies so I fired her and walked out.
About 6 years later I made an appointment with a different Doctor at the same clinic. The very first question the Doctor asked me was if I ever had thoughts of suicide. "What"? "No, not really" Ever hear voices? "No, if I did I wouldn't tell you. But no I absolutely don't". I was beginning to get a little perturbed when the door opened and in walked a whole team of people with a EKG machine! "Please take off your shirt". "This will only take a minute ". Well they were very surprised when the results were normal. The Doctor shook her head and gave me a new prescription for my BP medications.
That's all I wanted in the first place. Later on I figured out what happened. My formerly fired Doctor payed me back by putting down in my charts that I must be a lunatic because I had claimed to have completely cured atrial fibrillation myself!
So they gave me a Psych evaluation and EKG! I guess my question is this: "Why is it so hard for doctors to believe that simple vitamins and minerals can cure disease?"