
by Dianne Dansby
(Hephzibah, Ga)

I've just found your site and thank God for it. I been on Dr. John Dommisse site but can't afford his fees and since looking at your site I think what you say makes better since. I tried to take hydroxocobalamin form align life products. It has the following ingredients:

b6=10 mg
hydroxococalamin= 2 mg
folate= 2.5 mg
magnesium sterate = 50mg
mannitol =198 mg
100% whole cherry fruit extract= 10 mg
sucanat= 5 mg
xylitol= 10 mg

It is sublingual. It gives me an instant headache.
was told the body absorbs hydroxocobamin easier.
Is this true or should I stop taking it immediately. I plan on switching to your formulas.
I have had chronic pain as fybromyalgia, neuropahty, trgemal neuralgia, chronic fatique for years. Had gamma knife procedure for tn Dec 16th , 2010. Pain is lessened but not gone.
Thank you for any help!!!!!

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Please see the Methylcobalamin B12 page
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Please see my page on Methylcobalamin B12. I have NO IDEA where you got the information that hydroxycobalamin is better. It's junk compared to Methylcobalamin and I won't use ANYTHING else or recommend any other type of B12.

Please also see my pages on Fibromyalgia. There is more going on with you than 'just' needing B12, you need a whole diet and nutrient overhaul if you have Fibro.

Kerri Knox RN

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System
Side Effects

by: Dianne

I've just changed to methylcobalamin. Yesterday I took 20 mg. Felt some better. Today at 8am I took 5 mg and at 9am I took 5 mg. I am going to take 5mg every hr until I feel better. Or should I take 40mg at one time. I understood your info on b12 to say to go up gardually. I just feel so bad and can't keep my eyes open. My b-12 showed 900 Dr. said this was good had been taking b12 iregularly. Now I'm going to take it every day. I also take d-3 5mg 2 timea a day one in am, one in pm. Also magnesiium malate 200 mg am , 200 mg pm
still get loose stolls. Any suggestions?

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