by Dianne Dansby
(Hephzibah, Ga)
I've just found your site and thank God for it. I been on Dr. John Dommisse site but can't afford his fees and since looking at your site I think what you say makes better since. I tried to take hydroxocobalamin form align life products. It has the following ingredients:
b6=10 mg
hydroxococalamin= 2 mg
folate= 2.5 mg
magnesium sterate = 50mg
mannitol =198 mg
100% whole cherry fruit extract= 10 mg
sucanat= 5 mg
xylitol= 10 mg
It is sublingual. It gives me an instant headache.
was told the body absorbs hydroxocobamin easier.
Is this true or should I stop taking it immediately. I plan on switching to your formulas.
I have had chronic pain as fybromyalgia, neuropahty, trgemal neuralgia, chronic fatique for years. Had gamma knife procedure for tn Dec 16th , 2010. Pain is lessened but not gone.
Thank you for any help!!!!!