Comments for How Much Vit D do I need to take for hot Flashes

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Vitamin D and Hot Flashes
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen


Hi Mary Jane,

Congratulations, you are taking a PERFECT amount of Vitamin D for you. Most people don't understand that they need up to 5000 IU's of Vitamin D per day- or even more!

But your Vitamin D Level is PERFECT at 53 ng/ml- assuming that you are reporting the 25OHD Level and not your 1-25OH D level- which is an entirely different test.

Vitamin D Spray for Immune Health

But if your Vitamin D Level 25OHD TRULY is 53 ng/ml, then you are right on the money as it 'should' be between 50 -80 ng/ml according to many scientists.

As for your hot flashes, well- if they haven't gone away with your Vitamin D Level where it is now, it's likely that they won't. Vitamin D is GREAT for lots of things. It appears to prevent colon cancer, breast cancer and multiple sclerosis and can help to treat aches and pains - among it's many uses.

But as for hot flashes, it just might not help no matter how much you take. Hot flashes are an imbalance between your estrogen levels and your progesterone levels that occur because of the decrease in these hormones due to menopause.

If you are under stress- or HAVE been under stress for long periods of time, the adrenal hormone called CORTISOL can actually STEAL the precursor hormone for BOTH the sex hormones and... THYROID HORMONES!!

An Adrenal Gland Test checks not only your Adrenal Hormones, but also your estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and melatonin levels. This covers all the bases for most all of the hormone problems that postmenopausal women experience.

I always recommend that ANYONE who has a thyroid issue get their Adrenal Hormones tested for this reason. So, really BOTH your symptoms of hot flashes and hypothyroid could be due to adrenal fatigue.

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Easy Immune

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