Comments for Hip joint pain and Vitamin D deficiency

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Pain in general..
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Bharat,

WOW! A level of 4 is REALLY REALLY low!! There have not been any studies SPECIFICALLY on 'Hip Joint Pain' being related to vitamin d deficiency. But there is plenty of evidence of vitamin d being related to pain. You can read more about the connection on the Vitamin D and Pain page.

While anyone who is in pain for any reason and who is vitamin d deficient should get their levels up to the optimal researcher recommended Vitamin D Levels, back pain, 'generalized pain' and 'bone pain' are the most well-studied types of pain that correcting a vitamin d deficiency can improve.

Joint pains are LESS studied and arthritis type pains seem to respond less well to Vitamin D, but I have heard of all types of pain go away when vitamin d levels are improved.

As far as heart conditions, could you give me some more information about the type of heart problem that you are experiencing?

Vitamin d has DEFINITELY been linked to heart failure, which you can read about on the Vitamin D and Heart Failure page. And while vitamin d sufficiency has been linked to an improvement in 'overall mortality', there are only a few studies like This One that links heart DISEASE to Vitamin D.

But many heart problems are ALSO related to Magnesium Deficiency. Heart problems like:

Atrial Fibrillation

Heart Palpitations

Prolonged QT Interval

are likely to be related to magnesium- although Vitamin D can play a more minor role as well

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System

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