High Calcium Level
by Brandon
I'm a 22 years old male.
Have had troubles for the past 3 months with frequent urination (some days are fine), bit of nausea and a small stomach pain
Week ago I had a blood calcium level of 10.3 mg/l (lab range 8.6 - 10.0), and in my urine it was 302 (range 100 - 300) ...
My doctor said it was nothing, it could be stress and it wasn't a big deal it could just get me kidney stones (I will change my doctor)
So yesterday I had another blood test that I ordered myself with PTH, my Calcium level was 10.5 (higher than last time) and my PTH was 33,3 pg/mL (range 14.90 - 56.90)
I checked on the internet and saw that if my calcium is high but that my PTH is normal it could be a cancer, I'm a bit afraid to be honest, they said that in 50% of hypercalcemia it was malignant, and the rest was parathyroid problems, etc ...
Gonna see a different doctor next week, I really hope it's not a cancer!
Any opinions?