Help for Persistent Macrocytic Anemia

by Kim
(Gosport, Indiana)

I have had persistent macrocytosis since 1992. At one time, the MCV was 108, but it has now plateaued to 102. For several years, I have had problems with my eyes (redness causing visual field defects). I have also developed eczema. I have always suffered from perennial blepharitis and summer rhinitis, so I do not know whether that is relevant.

On one occasion, the Vitamin B12 Level was a bit low. My doctors seem very reluctant to do anything about anything, even my eyes. For the first 8 years, I am told that they did not mention the macrocytosis because they attributed it to heavy drinking, but I am teetotaler.

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Getting Shortchanged by Your Doctors...
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Kim,

I'm so sorry that you've spent 8 years trying to figure out this problem when the answer was right in front of your doctors and they have chosen not to do anything about it.

So, I am a bit unclear about whether or not you USED to drink and are now sober. But either way, your doctors were negligent. Ignoring macrocytic anemia because someone is a heavy drinker is basically saying, "We don't care if she has a medical condition, she's a drinker so it doesn't matter."

Drinking is KNOWN to cause nutritional deficiencies and that's actually unethical for them to ignore them simply because someone drinks. In either case, having a Vitamin B12 Level that's just 'a little low' and not doing anything about it is equivalent to having a pregnancy test that's just slightly positive and ignoring it.

A low vitamin b12 level is low no matter HOW low it was. Your doctors should have said, "AHA! Now we know why she has macrocytosis." and provided you with aggressive Vitamin B12 Deficiency Treatment to fix that. Not having done so is negligent on their part.

However, with all of the problems that you have, including the macrocytosis and b12 deficiency, all these signs point to you having Increased Intestinal Permeability that's causing your problems.

Your 'gut' is inflamed and it's leaking proteins into your bloodstream causing nutrient malabsorption (b12 deficiency) and problems like eczema and more. No matter what your doctors test you for, they won't find this because they don't 'believe' in this problem despite hundreds of studies showing that it's real.

So, read over those pages and let me know what you think and if you have any questions...

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System

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