Why doctors would subject anyone to an H Pylori Breath Test when there are MUCH better alternatives is beyond my comprehension. But unfortunately, for those that are suffering from the Symptoms of H Pylori, there are still doctors who will order this test despite their being much easier and cheaper ways to test for the H Pylori Bacteria.
The H Pylori Bacteria is a contagious pathogen that can infect the stomach and cause problems that can range from simple feelings of fatigue all the way to stomach cancer. Symptoms of H Pylori can be SO diverse that doctors simply don't recognize the symptoms and don't test for them unless severe stomach problems are present. Fortunately, doctors sometimes DO test for the H pylori bacteria and there are several tests to choose from:
Notice that the Breath ID Urea Breath test are NOT the same thing. While both ARE urea breath tests for H pylori, the Breath ID test is MUCH quicker and simpler than the 'standard' breath tests for H pylori that are still being used.
If your doctor has ordered you to have an H Pylori breath test and it's NOT the Breath ID test, then PLEASE call the office back and ask to have the Breath ID Test, or order an H Pylori Home Test in the mail. There is just simply no reason for your doctor to subject you to this test.
While it is not painful, it must be done in a doctor's office or hospital, you must be treated as an 'outpatient' and go through the admissions department if it is in a hospital, you must sign a 'consent' form because it is a procedure and the test lasts for several hours.
During the several hours of the test, you will be asked to wear a big piece of headgear and occasionally blow into a tube that will test the levels of ammonia or urea in your exhaled breath. While this test is accurate, why should you go through this multi- hour long test that requires you to fast the night before and fast during the test while blowin into a tube, then sit around and wait for a while, blow into a tube again, etc. when it's much easier to do a blood test or a stool test?
There are three alternatives to the H pylori Breath test. Here they are with explanations of why you might choose them:
So, if you are scheduled for an H Pylori Breath Test or you are looking for information about Testing For H Pylori , then don't do the uncomfortable, long and unnecessary breath test, ask (or better yet TELL) your doctor that you would prefer to test by getting an H Pylori Stool Test. It's less expensive, just as accurate, takes less time and is done right in your homeā¦
H Pylori Stool Test --->
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Is a negative result from two samples from one stool taken to two hospital labs conclusive?
Hi. I took two stool samples from one stool to two hospital labs. Both came back negative. One was done at the university of Chicago and the other at Rush …
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