H pylori, bone pain, constipation, mucus in stool
by Melissa
I have been struggling to find out what is wrong with me. It started during my first pregnancy in July 2012. I had itched all over my body which was misdiagnosed as scabies. When treatment for scabies did not work my new GP said I was having an allergic reaction to something which prompted him to test for food allergies.
He found H pylori in my system and gave me treatment. Had bad heartburn and morning sickness thought pregnancy. After pregnancy my body returned to normal. After losing all my baby weight I gained it all back but never thought anything of it besides my poor diet choices.
I got pregnant again in November 2014 and again had morning sickness, fatigue, heartburn and aches and pains in my chest and armpits which I thought was something more serious. (I'm a worry body) after pregnant I had headache that lasted weeks, body aches, and constipation with mucus in stool that I couldn't explain.
I went to my GP and OBGYN and they said all my symptoms were normal after delivery. After running blood test they found h pylori in my system and was put in two antibiotic and an acid reducer.
My GI said an endoscopy and colonoscopy were not necessary because of my age(I'm 23). My body was responding really well and stools were back to normal with no symptoms except the body aches. Off meds and I'm constipated and have mucus in stool again?
I've gone to the ER 6 times with blood work taken a ct scan of brain abdomen and pelvis, x rays on chest and abdomen with with nothing more than a UTI diagnoses and constipation with no obstructions. Please help me understand if these symptoms are normal. My blood work always come back normal.