For How Long do I need to Take Magnesium?
by Dash
Can Magnesium Help with Blood Pressure?
Photo by IdhrenI am taking 100mg of magnesium citrate on a 2x a day daily basis. Does it build in the body and then the body needs less as time goes on, or does one need to keep taking it forever?
Since taking it my blood pressure is down to about 133/82 to 127/69 (lowest so far) from 196/92 average from taking magnesium for about the past two months. I also doubled up my calcium intake.
I just "knew" that my leg and heart spasms were due to something in the electrolyte area but I was afraid to take anything without a doctor and no one would listen. Now the one that did help me will be leaving and I am going to be relying on what I learn here....