Extreme Pain After Taking Vitamin D

by Jill

For some time now I have been under extreme stress. Sick mother and husband and other things. Started out with fatigue and stomach issues...diarrhea, bloating and nausea. Thought it would get better with some down time but it has gotten worse. Anxiety attacks, depression, muscle and bone pain. Exhausted and headaches.

Went to my doc and she did blood work but diagnosed anxiety aND suggested a counselor. My blood work came back normal...tsh was 3.5 and vitamin d was 15.3. She said this was ok for tsh but I read that that is actually hypothyroid. She said I needed a d supplement but that it wasn't bad. She prescribed 50000iu of d2 once a week for 12 weeks. I took the first one and thought I was going to die. Everything got worse. Including the and especially the pain.

However I started getting cramping in the muscles around my sides and back and calves. Leg muscles feel on the verge of a cramp all the time. I talked to her and she said it was just my anxiety and I really needed an anti depressant. So I took the next weekly dose and it was horrible. Bad pain and anxiety and can't sleep and nausea. Is this supposed to be the case after taking d or is it really all in my head. The pain feels real to me but doc won't listen. Says she doesn't want to see me again til I have seen a counselor.

Thanks for any help at all.


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Covered this at length
by: Kerri Knox, RN

Hi Jill,

I'm so sorry that you feel so terrible after taking Vitamin D. However, I've already covered your questions extensively throughout this site. Please see my pages on:

Vitamin D and Bone Pain

Pain While Taking Vitamin D


Cramps from Taking Vitamin D

There are many many other pages on this site showing you exactly how to resolve this issue and why you are experiencing it. Good luck.

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System
Side Effects

PS: If you appreciate the free help that I give on my site, please consider making your next supplement purchase through my Health Store in order to help keep this site in operation.

Stomach Pain
by: Robert

I suffer from severe back pain. I was also injured while a surgeon cut a nerve while replacing a damaged catheter which connected to my pain pump. This happened 6 years ago. I was bedridden for about 5 of those years.
Anyway my daughter also suffers from back problems. Her doctor told her to take 5000 iu of vitamin D3. She says she hasn't felt any relief.I started taking 10000 iu a day. The morning after I took my first dose I felt different. The pain wasn't as severe and my pain meds seemed to work so much better. When I'd take them I would experience complete relief!

That hadn't happened in years. After a week of taking the vitamin D3 I felt great. I couldn't beleve it. Problem was I started experiencing diahhria and stomach pain and cramping. Anyway I was reading that the stomach problems were because the vitamin I was taking were animal based and that I should take plant based. Anyone heard this?

Vitamin D caused me extreme muscle pain
by: Sandy

My Doctor knows and understands this complaint. It is NOT in your head! He maintains a list of patients that report the same side effect. He started me at 5,000 units and down to 50, all caused pain! I am 65 years old. My bones are extremely strong and I do not take calcium. My bone density is remarkable. I do believe having the correct amount of T-3 and T-4 Thyroid daily and taking daily Magnesium is my blessing.
You are not alone and NO-Way would I consider to "Suffer-Through" as some suggest.

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