Dx of Vit D Deficiency & Fibromyalgia w/possible menisca tear.
Hi, I have seen a Spine & rehab physician for nearly 1 1/2 yrs. I was sent to him due to numbness, tingling, headache, warm/heat in all extremities, along w/pain, bad insomnia, weakness, fatigue, pain felt like bone rubbing on bone in knees, no reflexes in ankles nor knees. I questioned Dr. about possible Vitamin D Deficiency lab came back as 13. It was rechecked by my primary care doctor and it was 11 - now it's around 25 on last labs.
I was still having insomnia, pain was still intense. Been taking Lyrica 150mg 2tabs bid, celexa 40mg 1qhs, vit D 50,000iu wkly & 2000iu qd. I am now prescribed Ambien 1qd. I can not do workout of 10reps totaling up to 30reps. I find that repeated work over a period of time @ work makes it worse. I have difficulty concentrating more than ever, seems like I am have more of short term memory. I will have a MRI by orthopedic this wk or next to check on possible tissue tear in knees. Please tell me your input about difference between the diagnoses presented. I know I started having this problem in late Oct of 2008 which started w/bone aches, muscle weakness, and then it just progressed completely. Some days good and some days I just have a hard time even sitting down.