Degerentive Disk Disease
by Connie
I have Degenerative disk disease and curvature of the spine. I have had some back trouble but not bad. The past 8 months or so I have had a lot of trouble with my back and joint point, body aches and fatigue. I am right now in a lot of pain and can not move around very well.
I went to the doctor's and they said my Vitamin d was severely low it was 11.0. My doctor and chiropractor all said my back pain is not coming from my vitamin d being low and the chiropractor told me if I did not lose weight, I am about 60 or 70 pounds overweight, that my back would not get better it would get worse.
Could all the back pain be from low Vitamin D and if so why do doctors all say No. I am 50 years old but feel like 80.