D3 Deficient afterThyroidectomy

by Richard
(Houston, TX)

My doctor called me last week to say my vitamin D levels were too low. I had a thyroidectomy 20 years ago. I have periodontal problems. I had read that taking large amounts of synthroid could/will block calcium absorption.

I also fractured a vertebrae in an accident several years ago. Can you make any recommendations?

Thanks, Richard

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Calcium and Synthroid...
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Richard,

So, I actually found that the OPPOSITE of what you heard was true. Synthroid doesn't seem to affect calcium absorption, but calcium affects Synthroid absorption! Here's a couple of studies:

1) The Acute Effect of Calcium Carbonate on the Intestinal Absorption of Levothyroxine

2) Effect of Calcium Carbonate on the Absorption of Levothyroxine

and at least one study showed that bone density was NOT affected by Levothyroxine:

Effects of levothyroxine suppressive therapy on bone mineral density in premenopausal women

But you still have vitamin d deficiency and you can simply follow the instructions on the Vitamin D Therapy page and that will give you exact instructions about how to deal with it. Let me know if you have any questions.

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System


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totally ignored D deficiency
by: Richard Neville

My experience of D deficiency has been appalling.
About 3 years ago, i could not bear to touch my teeth, have them cleaned or eat/drink cold and hot liquids.

GP said see dentist, oh yes, drill all fillings out and root canal, common remedy.
No way!

Started getting bone pains, then after lots pushing, got D levels checked, 27nm/L, should be 80, if you are lucky, many suggest 50 is sufficient. Mid Europe suggests 75-125!
Mine is now at least 175, totally cured teeth, dentist was not interested, that is, could not earn money from it, and this is NHS!

Admittedly with Testosterone replacement, i now have stronger and pain free bones.
This is all because you cannot patent vit D, that is there is no money in it.

Do yourself a massive favor,sadly most can't be bothered, look up "Dr Robert Heaney, Calgory Sept 2012 Vit D3 You Tube.
As i said, sadly, most can't be bothered, at your and your families peril!

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