Could Vitamin D Be Causing My Chronic Pain
by Lynn
(Port Sain Lucie)
I have low Vitamin D & Vitamin B12 & Low Iron ( I am just about to start Infusions) & I am in the worse pain you can imagine never lets up for even a moment.I was diagnosed with chronic Arthritis & Chronic Fibromyalgia.
I was reading the piece on Vitamin D & Pain.
I am at the stage right now where if I go out of the Home I need a wheel chair,I can't even walk as far as my mail box anymore,I have had blood work & MRI's they show no Rheumatoid Arthritis damage,But every muscle in my body hurt & I have told my husband for nearly 20 year my Bones hurt. I exercise as much as my body lets me in the pool because I can't walk. I as so have CVID. which I infuse antibodies each & every week,and still I can't raise my numbers.I am getting desperate, frustrated and have no quality of life my family is great, but I'm not to sure how long I can carry on in so much pain.I have gone along with Doctors for 10 year or more,having Facet shots/Transformational shots and I hardly get any relief. Is it possible that the Vitamin D Deficiency could really be causing this pain & if so why do the rheumatologist not recognize these symptoms? And what can I do please