Could My Proximal Muscle Weakness Be a Result of Very Low Vitamin D Levels?
by Lenny
(Massachusetts )
For the past 23 years I've been in and out of doctors' offices in order to determine the cause of the muscle weakness that I have in my shoulders/upper arms and upper thigh areas, all to no avail. I even had a muscle biopsy done when I was 14, but doctors found absolutely nothing wrong with me.
I am now 38, and only recently began to consider whether my condition may be due to low vitamin d levels. I recently had the VITAMIN D 25 HYDROXY - VITD25 test done, and my levels were <4 , which my doctor informed me is "VERY Low." She has now put me on 50,000 IU for the next 8 weeks; I've been on it for 2 weeks now, and I don't feel much of a difference yet, but I imagine that if this has been the problem tormenting me for the past 25 years, it's going to take more than 2 weeks to feel better.
I usually have difficulty walking up stairs, running, and occasionally falling down; are these possible symptoms of a vitamin d deficiency?
I'm so glad that I came across your website; thank you for sharing all of this information.