Could it cause CUPS in dogs? & Is the bacteria affected by acid vs alkaline?
by Debra
(San Diego)
My 4 yr old toy poodle has been tentatively diagnosed with something referred to as CUPS (chronic ulcerative perodontinitis) or has "kissing lesions". I have been told is due to the fact that she is allergic to her own dental plaque. It is extremely frustrating for me as I have ALWAYS brushed her teeth since I brought her home at exactly 7 weeks of age. One of the treatments recommended by vets is to remove most or all of the infected dog's teeth. I am seeing a pet dental specialist on this Tuesday, September 13, 2011 for a consultation and will more than likely have her anesthesized by the same specialist soon and further examined.
Maybe the effect of this bacteria is affected by whether or not one follows an "acid" or "alkaline" diet?
Thank you very much for all of the information on this subject.
Debra Keith