could h-pylori infection cause an increase in TPO antibodies (hashimoto's)?
by dianne
(denver, co)
One of our three daughters has Hashimoto's and her antibodies were coming down with the Paleo diet, now they have jumped up significantly and we are wondering why (perhaps the paleo diet and her falling antibodies were completely coincidental).
In the meanwhile another of our daughters (8 years old) has developed gas, reflux, intermittent joint pain, abdominal pain, weakness, headaches, weight loss, OCD, an exaggerated sense of pain, and difficulty with her temper. Oh, and lately she complains about difficulty swallowing.
I can't shake the feeling these are all related symptoms, and today I thought of h-pylori. Could an asymptomatic h-pylori infection cause the hashimoto's daughter to spike her TPOs while causing another daughter all sorts of mystery symptoms including a huge increase in OCD? I only read about depression and foggy brain, so I am hoping OCD can be caused by h-pylori, and that this is what she has...
And, this is my last possible hope so of course I am afraid of a negative test result (we will be doing the tests today I think). Can one administer a cure for h-pylori without a positive test result (just in case...) and how likely is a false negative?
I don't know who you are and why you'd take the time to answer these questions, but if you do and you are credible and knowledgable, I am very, very appreciative of your time and expertise. Thank you, Dianne